25 - Concussion

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With those awful thoughts in mind, she could only follow Shouto along as they hurried closer to the fight. Once they were nearing, they heard a loud blasting impact, rushing towards it.

(Y/N) felt her breath catch when she spotted Aizawa-sensei laying in a puddle of his own blood and All Might in the hold of the nomu, Izuku rushing towards him.

Before she could warn him, the warp gate villain was already there. (Y/N) didn't hesitate to rapidly extend her shadow, praying that she wouldn't be too late. She got a hold of Izuku around his waist and threw him back and away from Kurogiri just in time for Bakugou to burst in and blast an explosion at the villain. (Y/N) felt her heart beat faster with relief when she saw that Bakugou, as far as she could tell, was unscathed.

"GET THE HELL OUTTA MY WAY, DEKU!" He shouted as Izuku got back on his feet and shot (Y/N) a relieved and grateful look. 

Bakugou then roughly wrestled the villain down, Shouto quickly using that opportunity to freeze the giant nomu in place.

Shouto's voice dripped with mocking disdain as he addressed the figure before him. "One of your poorly trained thugs told me you're here because you think you can defeat All Might. HOw amusing."

All Might managed to get himself out of the villain's grasp, and (Y/N) immediately rushed towards Izuku. "Izuku! Are you alright?!"

"I'm fine, (Y/N), thank you for earlier," he replied as he looked over at All Might with concern, hurriedly wiping off worried tears.

"The symbol of piece will not be defeated by delinquents like you," Shouto said again, looking at the villains with contempt.

"Everyone..." Izuku breathed in relief.

It was very touching and all, at least right up until the moment (Y/N)'s eyes fell on Bakugou.

"YOU TRY ANYTHING FUNNY AND I'LL BLOW YOUR ASS UP SO BAD THEY'LL BE PIECING YOU BACK TOGETHER FOR WEEKS," he snarled at the warp gate villain with a manic smirk on his face.

"Wooooah, that doesn't sound very heroic," Kirishima put in, a nervous grin on his face.

(Y/N) fought the urge to facepalm, but just briefly. "Short fuse, you're having way too much fun right now."

However, their triumph didn't last for long, as the Nomu quickly destroyed the ice and got back on its feet.

Even Shouto looked stunned next to her, all of them tensing as they sensed another attack coming.

(Y/N) braced herself to fight, hands extended, ready to control her shadows, but instead only had a second to blink before the Momu was rushing towards Bakugou in a flurry.

(Y/N) instinctive reached out with her shadow and to shove Bakugou out of the way or form a barrier before the Nomu reached him, but instead got a sinking feeling in her gut as they were all sent flying back from the impact, her shadow not having contacted Bakugou at all.

She quickly got up, pure panic pumping through her veins as she looked around for Bakugou, relaxing once she spotted him in front of her.

"Katsu!" she cried, rushing over to him and assessing his damage.

"Kacchan!" Izuku gasped at the same time, "you were able to dodge-"

"Shut the fuck up you nerd, I didn't..." Bakugou said, frozen in place, gazing off into the distance.

(Y/N) furrowed her brow in confusion, before she followed his gaze at the point of impact. As she feared, it was All Might who had taken the brunt of the attack, battered but still standing.

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