𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟏: 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲

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High school was the place where self-esteem, innocence, and dreams went to die

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High school was the place where self-esteem, innocence, and dreams went to die.

Where people faced harsh judgment on their appearance. Where you worry about anything but school work among the anxious and drama infused environment. Where you would be making plenty of friends and gaining equally as many people who hold you in contempt and treat you awfully. Where you would waste so much time on unnecessary classes, people, and experiences. Where the experiences you face would teach you lessons and help you grow in the most painful ways.

The joys of being a teen in high school.

Approaching the open metal gates, a girl stood briefly under its arch, glancing up hopefully at the school crest. She was someone with high self-esteem, most of her innocence intact, and with many dreams she planned to accomplish with her last years of high school. She walked towards the courtyard with an unwavering stride, heading for the massive brick building across from her.

The courtyard was littered with students. She observed her soon-to-be peers, gauging what kind of people she would have to learn to tolerate. Every person she saw made her feel small and out of place, and it wasn't just because she was missing a uniform. It was the plain white button up tucked into jeans that seemed laughable to the expensive taste everyone else had. She spotted a girl with a studded compact mirror held up as she secured a diamond pin in her hair. There were students taking selfies on the latest smartphones, she was running a model that was three years old with a very unreliable battery life. Every backpack had some designer logo associated with it, the same case went for their watches, purses, shoes, jewelry and any other accessory they could add.

The academy was known for its wealth and the wealth among the students it housed, so this was no surprise, it was still unbelievable that she would be apart of a crowd so different from her.

Not everyone fit the luxury lifestyle profile. There were some strays, students like her, who'd received entry because of their intellect and didn't flaunt their wealth in the same manner. They kept to themselves in groups among their own, clearly bothered by the rest. They noticed her when she passed by, and some others who weren't so self-absorbed did too, she stuck out like a sore thumb with her white shirt in a sea of navy blue uniforms. Their critical gazes followed her as they formed their opinions about her, figuring out exactly where she belonged.

Every school had their own carefully curated social pyramid. However, a rigorously distinct hierarchy was in place at the academy. It held root for the past two years and dealt severe consequences to those who interfered with it.

This morning was one where the consequences were being dealt. All eyes were on a particular student as he ascended the stairway to the second floor, where his locker was. In the back of his mind, he knew exactly what waited for him, it was the same reason everyone else knew. It was a matter of confirming their suspicions. Just last week, he had attempted to overthrow the tyrant that was at the top of the social chain by exposing his crimes. His efforts were easily thwarted and it didn't take long for news to spread. Now that everyone knew, they eagerly anticipated what followed that occurrence.

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