𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎: 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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Here Alaina was, alone in a car with Damon, being led to some mysterious place

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Here Alaina was, alone in a car with Damon, being led to some mysterious place.

The first few minutes of the ride went by with him sending a few messages to who she could assume were the people apart of his important business meeting. He appeared to be waiting for her to say something, she could sense his gaze on her despite looking anywhere but at him. Seeing her refusal to speak up, Damon finally took initiative to break the silence.

"It's okay. No one else is around now. So you can do whatever you want." He looked at her expectantly. He appeared to sound comforting, or at least make his best attempt at it. "You can cry or scream. If you feel like beating someone up, I can call for someone to come." There it was, the Damon that she so often questioned the thought process of.

Alaina frowned, "Um, I don't know who you think I am, but I don't need a shoulder to cry on or a soundproof car to scream in. And I certainly don't need someone to beat up. I'm fine," she took a deep, shaky breath. "Just a little . . . upset." She stubbornly crossed her arms, staring off to the side. She decided not to make any further comments on anything, she wasn't about to cry about her pitiful love life to Damon of all people.

Alaina was never the type to talk about her feelings to anyone. She would rather sulk in a corner than be vulnerable and open with someone about what was on her mind. She never spoke of her feelings on anything. Not when someone had eaten the last bag of her favorite fruit gummies. Not when she was blamed for a mistake others made but pinned on her. Not when her friends had promised to wait for her so they could go skate together, but while the employee looked for the right sized skates, they left without her instead. Not when she was bad mouthed for pointing out something she didn't think was right. What use was talking about her feelings when what's done was done?

The only person to ever sit her down and have her open up about anything was gone. Since then, everything was bottled up inside. All the frustration, rage, tears—and frankly, she was okay with it. Alaina had turned to writing her feelings out in a notebook, not a diary, but a ranting book of sorts. She didn't want to bother anyone with hearing a pointless rant about something they didn't need to care about. It was useless anyways. Just as it was useless to talk about her feelings on something that was never going to happen, her fault for believing in it to begin with. Better to keep things to herself, it did no harm to stay quiet.

Damon's gaze moved to the view outside the window, watching as they passed building after building. She clearly wasn't going to admit anything on her own, so he'd have to pry it out of her. "Didn't it feel terrible Chris and Victoria together?" He leaned against the hand under his chin. "You must feel that someone like you is no match for my sister. You aren't as pretty, or smart. And your family isn't rich. You have a stubborn attitude, and don't have near as much class either," he began.

Alaina bit her lower lip, trying not to feel insulted. This might quite possibly be the worst pep talk she'd heard in her life. "If you're trying to make me feel better, you're not doing a very good—" her words were lost to him.

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