𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓: 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲

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Alaina did not see Ellie the next day

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Alaina did not see Ellie the next day. She was still out, so Alaina had to spend her lunch alone. She had her own lunch for today, there was no need to wait out the long line. However, that meant she would spend that much more time eating alone at the table her and Ellie would usually sit at. She had no problem with it, being alone wasn't something she had happen to her often, a few days here and there weren't terrible. But with her routine solo breakfast and dinner, it would be nice to have a friend to at least eat lunch with.

Sitting down at the round table she had all to herself, she opened up her lunch. Despite her public stunt with Damon, everyone seemed uninterested in her, and it was calm. There was still confusion in the air about what her status with the V4 remained. She smiled to herself, it seemed, for once, she was going to enjoy a day free of trouble. But of course, she'd come to that thought too soon, for it was just about to get problematic very fast.

The cafeteria conversation peaked all of a sudden, the voices were louder and excited. Alaina looked up, and there it was, the thing that was going to ruin her peaceful day, walking towards her cooly and confidently. She pursed her lips, eyes on her lunch.

"Oh no, not this again." She put her hand to her forehead, shielding her eyes from wandering over to the people of interest. "Is it too much . . . to ask for one day of peace?" she wondered aloud. She heard the chairs across from her being pulled.

"It isn't right for a pretty girl to be sitting all alone at lunch. How about a little company?" Brendan spoke cheerfully, taking a seat.

"I never realized how uncomfortable these seats were, we really need to take this up with the board." Cordie shifted in her seat, leaning against the table.

Alaina lowered her hand, looking across at the two who drew in the attention of the crowd to her plain table. "Why are you guys here?" she sighed, there was no hostility in her tone, only annoyance.

"You piqued our interest yesterday morning," Brendan began. "Kicking Damon to the ground? That kind of thing takes guts."

"You have to tell us what that was all about. Does it have something to do with Friday? He was worried when you didn't show up for his prank," Cordie probed, her inner gossip coming out to pry for the details. "He bubble wrapped the entire gym for you and was so excited to see your reaction."

Alaina nodded her head, taking a bite of her sandwich. "It does, actually. That idiot misinterpreted something I said to him. Instead of turning over a new leaf, he turned to a new victim."

Brendan and Cordie laughed. "He has a habit of misinterpreting things lately," Cordie confirmed. "But don't worry, that's why we're here, to make sure he doesn't do something crazy," she ensured, she seemed to be the sensible one here.

Paige disdainfully glared at Alaina's table of newfound companions. "This is so unfair, why does she get special treatment and attention from them? She doesn't even like them, she kicked our precious Damon. So what's the big deal about her?"

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