𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟗: 𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐈𝐭

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The following day had a different form of entertainment for the school

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The following day had a different form of entertainment for the school. It wasn't until most of the day was through that something started happening. After second period, students rushed out into the halls, their eyes fixed on their phones. It was the usual clamor, whispering and gasping over some gossip that was circulating around. It may have just been Alaina's anticipation of Damon scheming further trouble for her, however, the noise in the halls seemed to be louder. She could tell that something was awaiting her in her next class, another organized shaming Alaina event. Everyone seemed to be even less discreet about the snickers and pointed fingers when sharing exchanges over something that was on their phones.

The school had its own app with a message board filled with news, homework help, school announcements, scores for sporting events, etc. Today, a post from one student had gone from rumor to a full on scandal. Comments and reposts of their anonymous story had people looking at one person.

"OMG! Mystery student found to be pregnant!" Amy read the title aloud.

"Mystery girl revealed to be known as Miss M!" Lauren announced. "Pregnancy suspected to be a result of . . ." she continued, gasping, "prostitution!"

Paige, Amy, and Lauren all gazed down at their phones in fake shock. "How could this happen at such a prestigious place? This school is for the elite. The top of the upper class. Who could this lowlife be?" Lauren questioned.

"There's only one person in this whole school who could do such a thing," Paige answered.

They waited again in class for Alaina. Patiently. Wickedly. All eyes turned to the door as the awaited guest made their entrance. Alaina's attention was caught by the whiteboard first, where the standard list of vocabulary would be, it was a collection of foul words instead. It was like her desk and textbook all over again, except worse. The class had filled the white board with insults that pertained to the rumor: "so many men", "Slut", "Must be why she transferred", "What a filthy brat", "Bet she doesn't know which one of her sugar daddies is the father", and "Gross prostitute!".

Alaina eyed the slander on the board, nodding her head slowly, "Slut shaming? That's a new low." She scoffed, picking up an eraser to begin wiping away the nonsense that was written.

"You may be able to erase the board, but what will you do about this?" Paige held her phone up towards Alaina, the front page of the school's app pulled up. The article was titled "Breaking! Mystery girl, Miss M, identified as Alaina Montez!" Alaina squinted at the article, looking over the first few lines, apparently she was rumored as some girl who was pregnant.

Alaina backed away from the phone and shook her head, "Just because I'm not rich, doesn't mean I'd be—" She was cut off as one of the other girls brought her attention to her desk.

"Hey, do you guys smell something stinky?" Lauren commented in a nasally tone, fingers pinching her nose as she stood next to Alaina's desk. Dirty rags were piled up on Alaina's desk.

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