𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒: 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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There were advantages that came from being the resident Red Card victim

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There were advantages that came from being the resident Red Card victim.

This wasn't to say that becoming a Red Card holder was a good thing, but Alaina had picked up a few things that could benefit her. Being the girl no one wanted to interact with, she had an abundance of time to learn about her surroundings. To listen and observe the crowd—their desires, their values, and their weaknesses. She had familiarized herself with her classmates, and she knew how to play her part in their game if she wanted to win.

Damon suggested surrender while he continued with his exploits, but she was going to ensure he knew her denial of that proposal came with no regrets, only stronger determination.

With a new week, there were new possibilities of what might come her way. Just as the body of vicious students had potential for plotting evil, she had equally as much potential for defending herself. They were the aggressive party in this game, sending every unpleasant and awful idea her way. So far, she had accepted it. But not anymore.

The simple truth was, they wanted drama. Just like Damon had said—much to her displeasure and reluctance to admit it—he was right. They hated her for ruining their fun, and thus, she was made the new object of fun. Yet, the moment something else came around, they would move on and she would have peace. The solution was as simple as the truth—give them drama.

Surely, they would get distracted by some other drama. If they weren't, she'd make sure they had a story to talk about. Throw a dog a bone and it would be satisfied, at least until there was no more bone to gnaw on. She would create a story no one could resist talking about, take the attention away from her, temporarily. If the students wanted to use dirty tactics, then two could play that game.

It was a two-in-one plan, vengeance on the three scheming girls and the spotlight shining on someone else for a change, and their shared class was her opportunity to make it happen. If she couldn't fight back against the entire school, she would at least fight where it mattered.

With her newfound spirit, she was ready to tackle anything.

That included her run in during lunch. Alaina's trip to the bathroom turned into an unnecessary confrontation. She was washing her hands at the sink, checking the towel dispensers to see which one was stocked. You'd think a school with this kind of money wouldn't have this issue, but even private academies were no exception. Finally finding one that worked, she was able to dry her hands with the towels, not without an ambush however. Three stalls behind her flew open, with her favorite girls obnoxiously standing behind her.

"Look who it is, girls, the social outcast." Paige crossed her arms over her chest. "Surprised you haven't run off like the rest."

Alaina's eyes met Paige's reflection, giving her a flat look. "Maybe because I don't run off when things get a little hard."

"Or, you're just an annoying pest who wants to create problems and be an attention seeker," Amy accused.

"Attention seeker?" Alaina repeated curiously. "You think this is all an act for attention?" It baffled her that they'd think she would willingly become a Red Card victim in the name of attention.

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