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 The clinking of keys shoved me towards consciousness, awakening the burning pain from the unhealed wounds on my chest. The sting of my injuries only reminded me of my pure hunger, evoking a feeling I'd become all too familiar with. Dread. I knew what was coming next, but with little to no energy from the earlier experiments, I silently prayed they'd pass us by. But God never answered the prayers of monsters like me. Listening to the sound of the bolted lock turning, I prepared for yet another round of torture. You would think that being here for hundreds of years, repeating the same day over again would have prepared me, or at least desensitized me a bit to what came next. Nevertheless, the creaking of the metal cell door broke my body into a cold sweat; panic and trepidation running their course.

 "Please, I can't do anymore."

 Upon the registration that those weren't my whispers, my head snaps up looking for the source. Scrabbling up onto my knees, I make my way over to the bars of my cage, watching in horror as Cierien is hauled out of his by two tall men in white lab coats.

 "Take me," I mumble, voice too hoarse from the screams forced from my throat not long ago. Clearing my throat the best I could, I attempt to catch the attention of the two men again.

 "Take me instead. Tell Dr. Adair that I can handle it," I hiss, gritting my teeth in pain. The two men barely glance at me, chuckling lowly under their breaths before continuing down the dark hallway.

 "Please! I can handle it, just leave him be!" I wail, growing more hysterical at the thought of what the Doctor may have in store for Cier. If it's anything like what I endured today, there's a chance he won't make it. He just isn't strong enough, especially with the amount of meals he's been missing. My cries go unnoticed as the sound of footsteps recede til there's nothing left but complete and utter silence. The calm before the storm.

 "I promise I'll get us out. I promise I'll end it all."

 I repeat it like a mantra. I repeat it til the sounds of his screams drown out my broken sobs. 

Patient A-3Where stories live. Discover now