Chapter 11: Attention

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Heed warning to triggers. 

This is a DARK romance.

Thank you, and enjoy! ;)



 After Cierien returned upstairs from his conversation with Wrath, he appeared a little off. I allocated the guest room across the hallway for him and gave him space for the remainder of the night, not wanting to bother him with questions. While he did suggest that I join him for sleep, I politely declined and retreated to my room, locking the door behind me. The night was restless, with my mind constantly alert to the fact that a vampire was residing just across the corridor.

 I stayed in bed for most of the day, attuned to any sounds emanating from Cierien's room, but was met with unsettling silence. Determined to overcome my apprehension, I mustered the courage to enter the kitchen after my stomach's persistent grumbling became unbearable.

 I help myself to a bowl of cereal, albeit it being nearly 1 p.m., and begin shoveling spoonfuls into my mouth. The soft padding of footsteps draws my attention, causing me to straighten my posture as Cierien steps into the room. I quickly cover my mouth, trying to speak through my chewing, "Cereal?"

 He eyes the cereal like it's a peculiar artifact, moving closer to examine the colorful box. "It has marshmallows," I persuade, shaking the box enticingly in front of him.

 "I must admit, I have never encountered such a food before," he laughs, peering into my bowl at the now soggy goodness.

 Caught off guard at his response, I drop my jaw in shock. "That's absurd," I burst out into a fit of giggles, getting up to pour him a bowl. I set it down in front of him, and prop myself up on my elbows to catch his reaction.

 He raises the spoon to his mouth, but rather than eating it properly, he sips at the milk like a curious child. Unable to help myself, I grab his arm and guide the spoon into his mouth, insisting he tries it the right way.

 "Do you like it?"

 "It's... interesting" he swallows, dipping his spoons back into his bowl to retrieve more of its contents.

 "Don't eat it if you don't like it," I laugh, playfully swatting at his arm as I finish off my bowl and place it in the sink.

 "No I like it," he responds hastily, making a show of enthusiastically scooping more into his mouth.

 I chuckle at his oddness, before making my way into the living room, leaving him at the counter. I switch on the TV, flipping through various shows and movies before settling on "Coraline." With September just around the corner, it feels like an appropriate choice.

 "What is that thing?" He asks, plopping down in the spot next to me, far too close for comfort.

 I scoot slightly to the side, but he only leans in closer. "The TV?" I clarify.

 He stares at the large flatscreen in amazement."What does it do?"

 I can't help but let out a laugh of disbelief, thinking he might be messing with me, but he pouts at the sound of it. I snap my mouth shut, feeling bad. "Um... you can watch things on it."

 "Like a theatre playlet?" he inquires, his eyes widening with curiosity.

 "Sort of, but it's a little different. Instead of actors performing in person, a whole team of people records them and then releases these shows or movies for others to watch from home."

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