Chapter 9: Little Bird

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I squeeze my closed eyes and stretch my limbs, feeling the sensation of warmth flooding through me after what feels like an eternity. Slowly, I flutter my eyes open, adjusting to the light and taking in the expanse of the room around me. My head rests comfortably, cradled on a little throw pillow. I tighten my fingers around the large fur blanket that lays draped over me, tugging it closer to my face for warmth.

Am I on the floor?

I grunt, pushing myself up onto my arms and turning to the side to survey the spacious room. Its walls are adorned with an array of little trinkets. Shelves line the wall, bearing the weight of countless books. A sprawling couch rests directly behind me, and I can't help but yearn for the plush comfort it offers compared to the carpet I currently find myself on.

Sleep has eluded me for a considerable time, as I've been too lost in a haze of stress and relentless worry. The thought of resting on anything other than the unyielding floor feels like a luxury beyond imagination. Though I can't complain, a blanket and pillow on a soft white carpet is far better than cold concrete.

Gradually, I push myself up further, resting my back against the front of the couch. I pull the blanket over my head, wrapping myself snugly within its folds as if creating a cocoon. The room before me bears the resemblance to a living area, although I can't be entirely certain. The last memory I had of this place was shrouded in darkness and a distinctively different ambiance. It's transformed now, shedding its former aura of an older couple with deranged hobbies and adopting the atmosphere of a much younger woman's dwelling- Avalyns.

Wait, how did I get here?

Almost as if she can read my mind, Avalyn rounds the corner and steps into the room. She halts abruptly when she spots me awake and begins to ramble in a somewhat comedic manner. "Y-You passed the basement door," she stammers, taking a moment to swallow before pointing towards the hallway leading to the basement. "I-I tried to move you to the couch, but you're really heavy."

A nervous laugh escapes her, sounding almost forced. Her eyes then widened, as if she realized that what she said could have been taken the wrong way. "I didn't mean-"

She starts fidgeting with her fingers, her breathing becoming a bit too erratic to be merely anxious. "I just meant I couldn't lift you onto the couch myself after dragging you in here. Not that you're like-"

She lowers her voice, whispering the final part, "overly heavy or anything." She seems to struggle with words, her panic becoming palpable. "No, you're like...the normal amount of heavy for a grown man, or um- vampire? I just wasn't able to get you up there. I'm very sorry," she blurts out, her eyes starting to well with tears.

Fuck, my head hurts after all that.

"I got you a blanket and a pillow, so hopefully it makes up for-"

"Oh god, please stop," I interrupt her with a laugh, rubbing at my eyes.

She starts to slowly back away, muttering apologizes under her breath.

"You've offended me... heavily. How dare you suggest I'm anything less than perfect," I playfully quip, placing my hand over my heart and offering her a grin in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

"You're perfect. I'm sorry," she hastily echoes my words.

I furrow my brows at the young girl, maintaining a blank expression, before breaking out into a fit of laughter. She's so easily flustered it's kind of endearing. "You're a nervous little bird, huh?"

"You threatened to kill me if I let you out," she states firmly.

"I must admit, that was a bit dramatic of me," I respond, tilting my head and smiling gently. She remains tense, rooted to her spot, and a pang of guilt washes over me before I quickly push it down.

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