Chapter 46: Not Made to Dream

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 No killing her.

 No taking enough blood to hurt her.

 Respect her space.

 Be nice.

 Those were my rules, but now it seems that everything has gone out the window, and it's all my fault.

 "Set the keys somewhere she'll find them, then lure her down." Those were Wrath's words.

 Easy, simple, and straightforward, right? Wrong. I'm an idiot.

 The sight of the youngest Adair left me practically foaming at the mouth. She lay, passed out in the living room, alongside another young woman. I gingerly place the keys on the table before the couch, my gaze lingering far longer than it should have. I couldn't resist ingraining every detail of her pretty face into my memory.

 I sprinted away as soon as her unconscious mind seemed to register my looming presence. The shock hit her like a bolt when she glimpsed my silhouette in the hallway. Once again, I managed to scare the daylights out of her. Without staying to witness her reaction to the keys, I made a swift exit.

 I pressed Wrath to take the lead in drawing her downstairs, but a dismissive eye roll indicated that this responsibility fell squarely on my shoulders. I observed with keen interest as she transformed the house into her own, injecting each room with her unique style and personality. Waiting patiently until she completed her creative endeavor, I bided my time, watching as she released her hair from the confines of her messy bun. It was only then that I chose to make my presence known.

 The floor groaned beneath me, prompting her to sharply turn her head in the direction of the basement, hands instinctively reaching for a substantial kitchen knife. I had deliberately ensured the door remained unlocked— an invitation for her to uncover the secrets lurking in the basement. Swiftly, I descended the creaking steps, thrusting open the concealed door just wide enough for me to slip through. I held it ajar, my senses attuned to her movements. The distinct sound of the doorknob turning reached me, her heartbeat accelerating as the realization dawned on her that it was no longer secured.

 The light flicks on, and I hear her release a relieved sigh. Ready to dart back to the cell, where I plan to secure us once more and toss the key, I halted when I realized she had flicked the light back off and retreated. A muttered curse slips past my lips in frustration.

 I knew Wrath should have been the one to do this.

 Silently, I summon all the strength within me, racing back up the steps. With a swift twist, I open the door and flood the area with light again. I hear her pause in her tracks, her voice emerging high-pitched and shaky, "Hello?"

 Gasping for breath after utilizing my vampiric speed on an empty stomach, I feel the deprivation of insufficient blood intake. Wrath had been consumed with planning, causing both of us to neglect our nourishment— an oversight that was now becoming apparent. "Hello?" she repeats herself.

 Hearing her step back toward the door, a surge of excitement swept over me at the prospect of officially meeting her. My movements become a tad too exuberant, causing me to trip over my feet and accidentally slam the secret door closed. A groan escapes me, but adrenaline courses through my veins as I hear her descending the steps.

 I dash through the hallway, racing back to the cells where Wrath was stationed. Colliding with him, our heads accidentally smack together, but the situation's absurdity prompts laughter from me. Giggling, I push him into his cell, gleefully repeating, "She's coming. She's coming. She's coming."

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