-Authors Note/Explanation

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I've had quite a bit of people confused about the ending so I thought I'd try to simplify it for y'all. I wanted to end the book with a lot of unanswered questions so I could transition into the second book. I feel like a lot is answered within the first couple of chapters of Patient B-2, but just in case there's still some confusion, I'll explain EVERYTHING.


From the very beginning, Wrath and Cierien harbored a plan to procure the cure from Avalyn. They had knowledge that her parents were conducting experiments with it, and they held the belief that they had successfully transformed her into one who possessed it.

For quite some time, Cierien had been providing Wrath with his portions of blood, granting him enough strength to kill the guards and steal the key to the cell. After they got out, Wrath killed Avalyn's parents.

The initial plan had been to confine Avalyn and feed from her until the cure took effect. However, upon witnessing the carnage of the guards by his own hands, Cierien's conscience could no longer permit his participation. Fearing the loss of Cierien, Wrath decided to change course and opted to amend the plan to something deemed "morally correct" by Cierien.

The new plan was to get Avalyn to move back into the house, find them locked in the cell, and help them. Wrath took it upon himself to track her down and compel her therapist to encourage her to return home and investigate the basement. Rather than relying on force, they resorted to manipulation, aiming for Avalyn to "willingly" share her blood. Remember, at this point in time, they remained under the impression that a small quantity would suffice, allowing them to depart once the cure took effect.

The first time Avalyn looked into the basement (Chapter 2), Cierien was tasked with leading Avalyn down to the basement where they would eventually be discovered in the cells. These were the noises she heard, as well as the door opening and light flickering on. However, in Chapter 46, it is revealed that Cierien made a critical error, prematurely locking them in and discarding the key under the assumption that Avalyn was on her way. Frustrated and enraged by Cierien's mistake, Wrath declared the abandonment of the new plan, signaling his willingness to obtain the cure through force rather than continuing to accommodate Cierien's desire for a more subtle approach.

In Chapter 6, Avalyn does indeed venture into the basement the following night. However, knowing that Wrath has abandoned the new plan, Cierien resorts to trying to instill fear in Avalyn, hoping to dissuade her from releasing them. Despite his strange affinity for her innocence and desire to protect her from harm, his attempts to intimidate her result in her fleeing the scene and inadvertently kicking the key as she leaves, as recounted in Chapter 7.

In Chapter 47, Cierien admits to Avalyn that the key was within reach, and he couldn't bear the thought of remaining trapped indefinitely when their means of escape was so close at hand.

He also says this in Chapter 9:

"Well, you nearly tripped on the key when you fled last night, kicking it right in my direction. Though I grappled with the decision to stay or go, the temptation of freedom proved too strong to ignore, especially with the key being right there. Besides, I felt utterly foolish sitting in the cell, aware that freedom was merely a turn of a key away. Wrath would forever taunt me if I didn't take the opportunity."

Still, he never planned on KILLING Avalyn. In Chapter 9, he deliberately left Wrath behind in the basement, signaling his reluctance to resort to violence against her. Instead, he ventured upstairs to introduce himself to Avalyn, finding himself drawn to her even more. In Chapter 11, although not explicitly stated, Cierien conveys to Wrath that Avalyn is different from her parents, suggesting his aversion to causing her harm. He doesn't want to let Wrath out until he calms down enough to follow through with the new plan.

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