Chapter 21: Scream

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Today, I woke up sticky. At first, I was horrified to find the bottom half of my stomach covered in the white substance, but then I was kind of turned on. I figured something like this would happen after the night Cierien and I spent together, though I didn't expect it to happen so soon. I'm disappointed I wasn't awakened; I'll need to discuss that with him later.

I roll out of bed and get ready for the day, throwing on a basic tee and comfortable shorts. I feel weird about what Cierien said last night. I was so high that I've been trying to convince myself I made it up, but his words keep echoing in my head.

"I don't think that would be weird at all."

Of course, that would be weird. I remember him vaguely mentioning Wrath's name when we were intimate that night, but I was so fucked out, that I didn't think anything of it. Now, I'm beginning to question his intentions. Does he want Wrath to be involved? Do they have a hidden connection between them that I'm oblivious to? It could potentially explain why Wrath has been so cold towards me. We haven't concealed the relationship we share, so it's possible I might unwittingly be stealing someone else's man. Yet another matter I'll need to talk to Cierien about.

With reluctant steps, I descend the stairs and enter the kitchen. Cierien is already there, plate in hand, waiting for me. I offer a warm smile, crossing the room to plant a quick peck on his cheek before I dig into the delicious meal he's prepared.

I feel so spoiled. Cierien has taken on all of the cooking, dedicating himself to the art of culinary just for my sake. He's even been thoughtful enough to handle the tidying up, ensuring that my home remains spotless. He insists it's the least he can do in return for sharing my space with him. It's a good feeling- being cared for in this way. I've never had it, or at least not where love was involved.

I take the last bite of my breakfast, watching as he meticulously cleans the plate off. Being around Cierien has almost always been comfortable, but right now, my nerves are getting the better of me. Cierien turns his head, his expression shifting to a skeptical one as he looks over his shoulder. "You seem a bit off, little bird," he observes. "You alright?"

I nod, chewing on my lip. "You've got a knack for cleaning up my messes, but you're not so great at cleaning your own."

"What?" he chuckles, moving to place the plate in the washer.

He dries his hands off with a towel, placing it neatly on the counter before positioning himself before me. "I have no idea what you're getting at."

Like I'd believe that.

I roll my eyes. The way he can lie so convincingly is concerning; he looks genuinely confused, but I'm not going to push the issue any further. Maybe he derives some sort of pleasure from the idea of me being in the dark; it no longer bothers me though. "Fine, just wake me up next time," I say, letting go of the matter with a half-smile.

"Um, alright?" he says.

Wrath appears behind me, and I startle at the unexpected intrusion, not having noticed his presence right away. He casually strolls into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. The mere sight of him sends my heartbeat racing. He does a double-take upon seeing me, his gaze blank as it settles on me. His eyes access me from head to toe, making me shift uncomfortably.

"What did you do?" he questions, his tone dripping with accusation.

I swallow hard, eyes darting toward Cierien in search of some comfort, though his presence, too, is making me nervous at the moment. "I-I didn't do anything," I stammer, even though it's the truth.

"You're right on the edge, baby. Your little heart is about to beat out of your chest," Cierien chimes in, a mix of concern and amusement in his voice.

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