Chapter 14: Haunted

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Warning: This chapter contains triggering subjects, including SA.


 Waking up this morning, I feel utterly drained. My thoughts are jumbled, and my memory of last night is full of unsettling gaps. I can't recall how I managed to get home or how I ended up in bed. The last vivid image that remains in my mind is that of Wrath's sanguineous eyes and the pool of blood he left behind, but everything after that descends into darkness.

 The truth is undeniable, now more than ever: Wrath is a monster. Regardless of the potential threat posed by the person he attacked or what that person may have been plotting; I'm haunted by an overwhelming sense of guilt. If I hadn't spoken out, would he have chosen an innocent victim? Would he have taken their life? The uncertainty surrounding his intentions looms over me, and I can't shake the unease and mistrust that now taints my perception of him. It's unclear whether I'll ever be able to let my guard down around him.

 On the other hand, Cierien is slowly but surely making his way into my heart. Despite all the trials he's faced and continues to endure, he strives to bring a touch of humor and lightness into my life. Spending time with him is becoming increasingly comfortable, even though our acquaintance is barely a week old. He's witty and kind, and his company is genuinely enjoyable. Not to mention, he's rather easy on the eyes. It's not that Wrath lacks charm, but they're obviously of different tastes. Cierien, in his own unique way, exudes sweetness and almost a sense of purity, as if he's blissfully oblivious. I'm gradually becoming more attuned to his occasional mood swings, but deep down, I can tell there's goodness in his heart.

 With his short, blonde hair and expressive, blue doe-like eyes, Cierien embodies the concept of a 'pretty boy.' His features are soft but striking, creating a stark contrast to Wrath's rugged demeanor. Wrath seems devoid of a heart. Tall and splendidly handsome, his dark feline eyes possess a magnetic quality that could easily captivate any girl in the real world. He's practically what I imagine every fictional heartthrob I read about to look like. However, when it comes to his personality, it's a stark departure from that image. He's cruel, often steeped in sarcasm, and exhibits minimal regard for others. His appreciation for human life is almost nonexistent, as last night's events so brutally highlighted. In a twisted way, he even bears a resemblance to Ryan. Though ironically, even my lousy ex managed to put on a facade of niceness that Wrath doesn't even bother with.

 Wrath scares me, while Cierien comforts me. They're polar opposites.

 After washing up, I head to my closet, searching for cozy attire. I carefully dress, mindful of the newfound soreness that radiates from my chest. There are no visible signs of harm, but my breasts ache nonetheless. I gather my unfinished crochet project along with my trusty tools and make my way into the living room. With cautious steps, I navigate the area, keeping an eye out for any stray shards of glass as I approach the couch. It looks like someone has made the effort to sweep up the mess, for which I'm grateful. I settle in, preparing to pick up where I left off.

 Not long after I begin working, Cierien joins me on the sofa. His trademark bright smile never wavers as he takes a seat right next to me, showing no inclination to leave any personal space. His eyes light up as he follows the graceful motion of my crochet hook. "I've seen people do that before!" he beams enthusiastically. "What are you making?"

 His excitement is infectious, and I giggle at his genuine interest. Ryan never understood my passion for crochet, dismissing it as an "unsexy hobby" that reminded him of his grandmother. No matter how many dresses, sweaters, and accessories I crafted, he never appreciated or complimented any of my work. So, witnessing Cierien's genuine interest warms my heart. "It's a sweater I never finished," I explain with a smile, mirroring his expression. "I thought I should complete it before the weather gets colder."

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