Chapter 36: My Beautiful Girl

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 "Forget the plan...We don't need it!"

 I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I overheard them speaking in the living room. Their words were intentionally muted, and it was obvious they were embroiled in an argument. I wish I could have gathered more details, but I only caught the tail end of it.

 What plan exactly?

 My thoughts have been in a tailspin, trying to decipher what Cierien might have meant by that cryptic statement. I've been careful not to reveal any inkling that I overheard anything. In the past couple of days, their behavior has taken a peculiar turn, though I'm uncertain if it's just my imagination running wild. Wrath seems to be in one of his moods, but then again, is he ever not? Cierien appears oddly somber, his smiles seemingly forced. But, besides these nuances, the fundamentals remain unchanged. Wrath maintains his unpredictable pattern of distancing himself but still finds solace in late-night cuddles. While Cierien, on the other hand, continues to cling to me like he can't get close enough, as if fearing my sudden disappearance.

 I wish I could ask them about it, but the fear of intruding into a realm I shouldn't explore holds me back. Unless, of course, it concerns me directly, and in that case, the prospect of unveiling the truth terrifies me. Their hushed conversation brings me back to the first time I ventured into the basement.

 "Shh, we can do this, Cier."

 "We do this the right way. We don't—"

 We don't what? What did he say after that?

 All these little strange occurrences that have unfolded since I met them come rushing back with full intensity, and the memory of the receipt, in particular, stands out prominently.

 "They're lying."

 Despite my attempts, none of it seems to make any sense. I can't fathom a scenario in which my guys would deceive me. But a plan? A lie? Maybe there is something significant they're not disclosing. On the other hand, it might not have anything to do with me, and I could be succumbing to unwarranted paranoia. Perhaps Idalia has managed to weave her influence into my thoughts.

 They've always been brutally honest with me, sometimes to a fault. I need to curb my trust issues from jeopardizing this relationship. I'm genuinely happy. I can't afford to self-sabotage this one.

 "Let's do something different tonight," Cierien suggests from the couch in front of me.

 I look up from my spot on the carpeted floor, setting down my yarn to give him my full attention. Despite my initial concerns that Wrath and Cierien might want to venture outside of the house more, we've ended up spending almost every day indoors since our downtown strip outing. I've suggested changing our routine, but Wrath consistently declines every idea that involves being around other people, opting instead for activities confined within the house. Honestly, I'm starting to grow a bit sick of being in this house.

 Translation: My vagina needs a break.

 Not that I'm complaining. The time we spend together is something I wouldn't trade for the world. Being with my guys makes every day more vibrant and engaging. I don't even know how I would be navigating existence right now if we had never crossed paths. They infuse each day with a deeper sense of purpose. Without them, I'd probably be cooped up in my room, crying to myself about how lonely I am.

 "Av?" Cierien's voice breaks through my internal rambling.

 "Oh, sorry. What would you like to do?" I ask.

 If they suggest the butt plug, I'm making a run for it.

 We still haven't gotten around to using that, and that's entirely on me. Every time they even so much as make a subtle hint about the items we purchased two months prior, I immediately shift the topic in a different direction. It's not that I don't want to spice things up in the bedroom, it's just that they already are at a level I never thought I'd participate in. I never realized how vanilla sex was with Ryan before I met these two. I mean, truly, they're into some weird shit. I'm just a tad bit nervous when it comes to adding to it. I'm working myself up to the idea of taking both of them. It'll happen someday.

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