Chapter 32: Don't Be Pushy

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Things have been going well for the most part. Another two months have passed, and as Halloween had ended, Thanksgiving, and better yet, Christmas, is soon approaching. It's been a rollercoaster, with some positive moments and a bit of a slow burn in our relationship. I'm still not as close with Wrath as I'd like to be; progress has been gradual, and despite my best efforts, he seems to maintain a certain distance whenever I try to delve into his word.

On the other hand, my connection with Cierien is thriving, and the desire to label him as my boyfriend has been bubbling within me. However, I find myself hesitating, caught in the delicate dance of emotions, partly due to Wrath. The timing feels crucial; it's not just about my feelings aligning with Cierien but also making sure Wrath is on the same page.

There's this unspoken tension, a need for all of the stars to align before broaching the subject. I'm yearning for that perfect moment when we're all in sync, wanting the same things. It's a delicate balance, and right now, the timing isn't right. At least, not for Wrath.

I wish he would catch up to Cierien and me already.

I've been thinking up strategies to create a more comfortable atmosphere between us. The goal is for Wrath to feel at ease sharing every aspect of himself with me, and it occurred to me that taking the initiative to open up, instead of just trying to get answers out of him, might set the stage for a reciprocal exchange. It's a vulnerable step, laying bare parts of me in the hope of fostering a deep connection. Sometimes, all it takes is one person breaking down the walls for the other person to feel comfortable enough to follow suit. My idea is to start small, and then get deeper every day.

Exiting the kitchen, I find Cierien sprawled out on the couch, engrossed in some rom-com. I ruffle his hair, leaning down to give him a quick peck on the lips. As I attempt to retreat, he seizes me with enough strength to yank me over the edge of the couch. I unceremoniously land in his lap, emitting a groan at the impact of his solid chest. I attempt to push up, but he maintains his hold on me, a mischievous laugh escaping him, thoroughly entertained by his own antics.

"Release me, you prick," I retort, swatting at his arms as he persists in keeping me firmly pressed against him.

"Come watch this with me," he pleads, wearing the most irresistible puppy-dog expression.

"No, I'm going to go talk to Wrath."

"About what?" he inquires, curiosity evident in his tone.


Well, clearly he isn't that curious, because before I can finish my sentence, he abruptly interrupts me, flipping me onto my back and boldly diving into a passionate kiss. Despite my attempts to resist, my hits against his chest prove feeble, falling short of dissuading him. It becomes increasingly apparent that he has no intention of letting up, and I eventually surrender to his kiss attack, returning his affections.

When he finally withdraws, breathless and intense, his gaze lingers on my face, slowly tracing over my features. "You're so pretty, little bird," he murmurs, his hand tenderly grazing my cheek.

Amused, I flash a playful smile. "You're sweet. Now, can you let me up, please?" I request, rolling my eyes in jest as he begins to drag his lips along my jaw.

His answer is resolute. "No."

"Cierien, I want to speak to Wrath," I assert with a whine, groaning as he nips at my neck.

"Can I bite you?" he queries, ignoring my words as he tilts his head and showcases that charming boyish grin.

While we might not all be entirely comfortable delving into emotions and the uncertain paths our relationship may take, there's an unmistakable ease when it comes to sinking their teeth into my neck. That and sex. They're very comfortable with those aspects of our relationship. Maybe even too comfortable. Not a day goes by without one of them employing their winsome looks to coax me into offering my blood and spreading my legs. I mean, how could I possibly say no to someone so irresistibly cute?

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