Chapter 45: Revisions

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It took nearly an hour to persuade him of the alternative plan. Despite his initial resistance and the establishment of his own set of ground rules, he eventually acquiesced, acknowledging that he deemed this approach to be the morally sound course of action. Morality never mattered to me, as long as it ended with getting what I wanted, but he was pleased, and that made me happy

All of his stipulations appear deceptively straightforward, but I am well aware that once I encounter the Adair offspring, adhering to them will prove challenging. Nevertheless, I resolve to make an effort for Cierien's sake. We settled on remaining at the house, taking refuge in the hidden basement until circumstances dictate otherwise according to our plan.

Over the next few days, I assumed the responsibility of putting everything in order. Cierien devoted the majority of his time to scrubbing the basement, painstakingly restoring the medical room to its pristine condition. Meanwhile, I undertook a quest to track down the youngest Adair, immersing myself in the vast knowledge of the unfamiliar and perplexing era. Every nook and cranny of information was explored, ensuring there would be no gaps in our carefully crafted narrative.

Little Adair will be oblivious to our escape; she'll discover us down there, seemingly confined and starved, unknowingly becoming our unexpected hero. As she unravels the monstrous acts her relatives subjected us to, she'll feel compelled to rescue and shelter us. Guiding us on the path to reintegrate into society will be her noble endeavor. Gradually, we will earn her trust, climbing our way up in her world.

In due time, we'll cultivate enough rapport to secure her blood willingly. With the artful combination of motivation and a bit of guilt-tripping, she'll likely extend the offer without delving into the true reasons behind our need for her blood. This alternative plan is ludicrous and time-consuming compared to the original. Simplicity and efficiency outweigh elaborate schemes, but this will just have to do.

Cierien appears to be in higher spirits now that our revised plan doesn't involve taking and killing. It's almost as if he's looking forward to meeting the younger Adair, like he's anticipating the chance to forge a new friend. Despite my constant reminders that our connection with her will be temporary, with our departure imminent once the cure works, he seems to brush off those words. Instead, he indulges in carefree speculations about what kind of person she might be.

"Did you know we met once?" Cierien's voice startles me from my work as he enters the living room.

"Yes, Cierien, I remember when he brought down the newborn," I respond, recalling the past event.

But Cierien shakes his head, dismissing me. "No, no, no," he insists, plopping down on the rigid sofa beside me. "She was much older. Perhaps ten?"

I regard him with a puzzled expression, unable to recall memories of a child in the basement. Despite occasionally hearing her pleas before Doctor Adair subdued her, he had always made an effort to keep her out of our direct sight.

"She saw me through the window," Cierien explains. "Doctor Adair had just finished his experiments on organ regeneration. I remember the day vividly because it was the first time he attempted to remove my heart before realizing I needed that one," he chuckles, treating the past abuses like they were a mere joke. "She must have been standing on one of the medical tables because she was just tall enough for me to see her little head. Cute kid. I scared the daylights out of her, though."

"I wouldn't classify that as meeting her. I doubt she remembers anything from her time in the basement. Human brains have difficulty processing trauma like that, and with the drugs he was feeding her, it's almost a guarantee she won't."

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