Chapter 26: Confessions

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 Hours later, they're still gone. I never anticipated that their arrival would take this long, but here I am, perched on the sofa, my eyes locked on the door, eagerly awaiting their presence. It's funny how quickly they've become an indispensable part of my life. It's been just over a month since our first encounter, and my world has undergone a profound transformation— one that I hope is for the better.

 Now, I find myself in the habit of sharing everything with Cierien, from watching movies and reading books to cooking and cleaning. It feels oddly incomplete when I go about these daily tasks without him by my side. Even Wrath, with his enigmatic and unpredictable appearances, has become a source of excitement.

 His confession from earlier has been on my mind. I struggled to find the right words in the moment, deflecting the conversation by bringing up his lack of aftercare— a topic that certainly warrants a conversation. However, it was not the time.

 God, I'm an idiot.

 I've been grappling with the words to express my feelings. It's been a puzzling experience for me because I've never really had a crush, especially not on someone who wasn't a fictional character. The whole situation has left me feeling quite anxious. While Cierien seemed comfortable with Wrath being part of our sexual encounters, I'm uncertain how he would react to my emotions that possibly run deeper than just physical attraction. It's a delicate matter, and I'm torn between whether I should open up to Cierien about it.

 Wrath is undeniably a complex man, often exhibiting a challenging and even hurtful demeanor. Yet, there's a definite attraction I feel toward him. I've seen glimpses of his gentler side, which I yearn to explore further. My primary concern is preserving what I have with Cierien; he means a lot to me. Living with both of them intensifies the complexity of this situation, making it even more challenging that they can easily overhear any private conversation I might have.

 When it comes to Cierien, I'm left in uncertainty about the nature of our relationship. That first night together felt incredible, and I truly believed it to be the start of something serious. I let my guard down, and it felt like we genuinely understood each other. However, I've come to realize that while I've constructed a perception of our connection as being mutual, he hasn't taken any concrete actions to reassure me of its depth. My thoughts are in a constant whirlwind, and I've reached a point where I can't keep these feelings bottled up any longer. I know that I need to have an open conversation with both of them about it, to safeguard my emotional well-being.

 A sudden knock at the door diverts my attention. I could have sworn I had left it open for them, but perhaps not. I rise from the couch and make my way toward the foyer. Opening the door, I expect to be greeted by the familiar faces of the two men I've grown accustomed to. However, to my surprise, I'm met with the sight of the beautiful blonde, Cierien's ex-girlfriend.

 She grins with a mischievous edge before brushing past me and calling out, "Cierien? Are you home?"

 I anxiously scan the driveway, hoping that my guys will pull in any moment. But, it's just me, alone with the woman who just a day prior, attempted to rip into my throat. I leave the door slightly ajar, thinking she will be on her way as soon as she realizes Cierien isn't home. Or at least, I fervently hope she will. In a low murmur, I inform her, "He's not here."

 "Is that so?" she questions, her long, golden hair cascading over her shoulder as she turns to face me. Her gaze is unrelenting as she directs her attention to the material in her hands. "Cierien left his jacket at my place. I wanted to return it," she explains, her tone seemingly innocent.

 Why would she have his jacket?

 I frown, thinking of all the various scenarios of how she could have ended up with Cierien's jacket, each one more painful to contemplate. I didn't know what I expected though. Cierien has a history with this girl, and by all means, she's angelic-looking. I carry my insecurities, like any woman, but Idalia's beauty is so breathtakingly perfect that it's hard to feel secure in my relationship with Cierien. I was the first woman he saw after spending centuries imprisoned, it's only natural that he would feel some level of attraction. But perhaps it's only physical, and nothing more. He had more with Idalia, and I may never measure up to that.

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