Chapter 6: The very first bitch-ass monster

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Two and a Half Men 2

After Madilyn fell asleep, Dean put her down on the bed before dropping into the other and shoving quarters into the Magic Fingers massage box. Alexis dropped down into the bed beside him, her eyes closing.

Suddenly, Bobby John began to cry as a splattering noise made Dean and Alexis jump up. Blood and slime was on the wall above the crib. Dean and Alexis stood, walking toward the crying baby.

Dean pulled out his ringing cell, raising it to his ear. "Yeah?"

"I talked to the father. He checks out." Sam tells him. "The baby..."


"I think the shapeshifter is his dad."

Dean lifts the baby up, holding the phone between his ear and
shoulder. "You think?"

The baby now looked exactly like the baby on the diaper box instead of what it looked like before.

"Well, this can't be good." Alexis sighs.


After getting the baby cleaned up, he was still crying. At this point, it'd woken Madilyn up. A knock on the door made Dean and Alexis look up.

"Manager. Everything okay in there?" A voice asks.

"Yeah, no. We're fine. Thank you. Good night." Dean calls out.

"Have a nice night." Alexis adds.

"There's been complaints. Mind opening the door, sir? Ma'am?"

"Uh, it's not a good time." Dean stood, lifting the baby into his arms. "Just got out of the shower."

The door knob rattles and Dean lays the baby back int he crib. Bobby John's cries died out as Dean runs to the door after nudging Alexis toward Madilyn. He pressed his back to the wall as a police officer got the door opened.

Dean shoved the officer into the wall, knocking his gun from his hand. The shifter disguised as an officer shoves Dean backwards.

Dean stops in front of the crib.

"Get out of the way." The shifter demands.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen." Dean replies.

"A child should be with his father."

"Well, I gotta be honest, I'm not really seeing the family resemblance."

"I'm not just talking about me. I'm talking about our father."

"Meaning?" Alexis mutters.

Dean swung the knife, missing. He punches the shifter, slicing into his cheek. The wound sizzles as the shifter throws Dean across the room. He turns to the crib as a gunshot goes off and a knife sinks into his back.

Sam stood in the doorway, gun raised as Alexis stood. She ripped her knife from the shifters back.

"Well, there goes our deposit." Dean says.


"You know, it's pretty smart, actually." Sam begins, keeping his eyes on the road. "I mean, shifter poses as a guard for the security company, then gets to the house, then scopes out the fam."

"Yeah, then daddy takes off, and shifter becomes daddy." Dean adds. "A few glasses of wine, shakes mama's trees, comes back in nine months to collect its prize."

"What, this is the fifth one? So this shifter's been getting around. A lot." Alexis shrugs.

"I didn't even know they had babies." Sam states. "I thought they were just freaks of nature, like X-Men style."

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