Chapter 16: What gave it away? The fact he's in a body bag?

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All Dogs Go To Heaven 1

Alexis sat at a table across from Sam with Madilyn in her lap as they waited for Dean. They were at a restaurant at the moment. Alexis scrunches her nose in distance, nothing on the menu on that hung on the wall sounded appealing. Whether that was because they'd picked a bad place to eat, or it was because she was pregnant and could barely keep food down anyway was up for debate.

"I don't know, Bobby, but there's gotta be another way." Dean tells the elder hunter he was on the phone with as he walks back toward the table. "I don't know, keep digging. If Crowley thinks we're just gonna--"

"Crowley think you're gonna what, Dean?" Said demon's familiar accent made Alexis roll her eyes. "That Bobby Singer? Give him a kiss for me." Crowley walks toward the table. "Hello, beasty." 

Madilyn smiles, waving at the demon. "Hi!" she then went back to reaching for the salt and pepper shaker. 

"I'll call you back." Dean tells Bobby before hanging up.

"Good news, boys and girls." Crowley begins, taking a seat. "I've got a job for you."

Dean sat down beside Alexis, dropping the red plastic basket of food on the table. "I'm gonna say this once. You can take your job and shove it up your ass." 

Madilyn giggles, grabbing another French fry as Alexis took the salt shaker from her. 

"Is that any way to talk to your boss?" Crowley asks.

"You're not my boss, dickbag." Dean hisses. 

"Dean, Dean. Been through this. Quit clutching your pearls. You've been working for me for some time now. Sam here, longer."

"We didn't know." Sam argues. 

"Like that makes a difference to you." Crowley tells him. "You'd sell your brother for a dollar right now if you really needed a soda. Look, I'm sending you--"

"No." Dean cut him off.

"Beg pardon?"

"No. It means we are not taking your stupid job." Alexis gave the demon a sarcastic smile. 

"I've done some shady stuff in my time, but I am not doing this. No." Dean says. 

"Ten quid says you will." Crowley states. He sets his finger on top of Sam's hand. The younger Winchester's skin sizzles, his hand burning. He jerks his hand toward himself, groaning in pain. "You like pain, Sam? You like hell? 

Crowley turns back to Dean. "You need to stop thinking of this as some kind of deal. This is a hostage situation, you arrogant little thug. I own your brother. Do you understand me?" He snaps his fingers and Sam's hand returned to normal. "Come on, Dean. Smile. It's not that bad. Here's incentive: You bag me a live Alpha and I'll give you little Sammy's soul back with a cherry on top."

"What, Alpha Vamp not good enough for you?" Sam asks.

"Best mind where you poke your nose, if you wanna keep it." Crowley unfolds a newspaper, dropping it onto the table. "Your merry little hike up the food chain starts here. Businessman found dead in his car. Chest ripped open, heart missing. Sounds like. . .?"

"Werewolf." Sam states, grabbing the paper.

"No, it's not a full moon." Dean shakes his head. 

"So that crosses one thing off the list." Alexis shrugs as Madilyn crawls off her lap and to Dean. 

"Werewolves turning on the full moon. So '09." Crowley says.

"He's right." Sam admits. "Samuel and I ganked one about six months back on a half-moon. Things have been out of whack for a while now, I guess."

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