Chapter 34: Everyone's dead until they aren't

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. . .And Then There Were None 2

Bobby broke the lock on and grabbed the bag of weapons. He dumped them out onto the table. 

"Hey, don't feel bad." Rufus tells him. "You know, it was a good plan."

"Little too honor system, but good." Alexis adds, grabbing her handgun. 

"Yeah, except for the part where a monster would definitely, definitely not give up all his weapons." Rufus continued. 

"Shut up." Bobby scoffs. 

Sam and Dean burst through the doors. "We lost him." Dean says. 

"What's the plan?" Sam asks as he and Dean reach for their guns.

"Stick together." Dean answered. "We gotta keep track of this thing and who it's in."

"Alright, let's do it." Alexis sighs as Bobby and Rufus share a look. 


The group of five walk through the dark cannery, flashlights and guns in hand with Dean leading the group. Suddenly, Sam grabbed Deans shoulder and shoved him back toward Bobby and Rufus.

Everyone raised their guns at him.

"Hey, hey, hey. Hold on. Look." Sam pointed to the doorway Dean was about to walk through.

A trip wire was strung up. The five hunter's eyes follow the wire. 

"Booby trap." Dean states. 

"I'll be damned." Bobby mutters. 

Each hunter steps over the wire and continues down the hall with Sam now in the lead. The lights cut off and the door slid shut behind Sam, separating him from everyone else. 

"Hey! Hey! Whoa." Sam slammed his hand against the metal door, the sound echoing. "Dean."

"Sam! Damn it." Dean mutters. "Son of a bitch."



"I'm gonna go around, okay?" Sam tells him. 

"Alright, watch yourself."


Dean turned, taking Alexis by the elbow and pulling her toward him as he walked off. "Come on."


"Sam?" Dean called out, running through the factory after hearing a gunshot. "Sam." He sighs in relief once seeing his brother. Dean slows to a stop, eyes falling on Samuel's dead body. Dean pushed Alexis behind him.

Bobby rounds the corner. "Oh, thank god." He noticed the body. "Drop the gun, Sam."

Sam held his hands up, leaning down to place his gun on the floor. "It's me." Sam reassures everyone as he stands up.

"Okay. That's great, Sam." Rufus says. "Just gonna cuff you till we can be sure. Okay?" Rufus held up zips ties, slowly moving toward Sam. The youngest hunter turned and let Rufus handcuff him. "You understand, right?"

"It's in him." Sam tells them, nodding to Samuel.

"Are you sure?" Bobby asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think."

"You see anything come out of him?" Rufus asked. "After he dropped?"


Everyone stood around the table that Samuel's dead body lay on as Bobby stuck a popsicle stick in his ear. 

"Tell me you got something." Dean says when Bobby pulled back.  

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