Chapter 22: We paid you to be able to bring him back, not keep him dead

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Appointment In Samarra 1

Alexis got out of the Impala as Dean stood on the other side, glancing between the paper with the address on it and the building. The two were outside of a Chinese deli.  

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Dean mutters. 

"You sure this is the right place?" Alexis asks as Dean walks around the car to her. 

"Yeah." Dean mutters, setting his hand on the small of her back as they walk toward the door. The two walk up to the counter where a man was cutting up the leg of an animal. 

"Hi, I'm looking for, uh--" Dean began.

"Follow all the way back." The man pointed to the opposite end of the building. "All the way back."

Dean let out a breath, following the directions he'd been given. At the back of the store there was a door that led to a staircase. Dean took the lead, setting a hand on the railing but immediately pulling it back and wiping it on his jacket. 

"Mama." Madilyn whines, her bottom lip trembling as tears brimmed her eyes.

"I know, sweet pea." Alexis gently bounces her up and down. "Shh, shh." Madilyn's been having more and more sleeping problems lately. The second Dean or Alexis would put her down, she's wake up crying. 

"It's alright, munchkin." Dean glanced over his shoulder, reaching out to rub Madilyn's back. He turned back around when the sound of a door creaking open and footsteps sound. 

A man in a doctor's coat with glasses on steps toward them. "Dean and Alexis Winchester?"

"You must be Dr. Robert? Dean says as the man stuffs a bloody rag in his pocket and walks toward them. 

Dr. Robert chuckles, pointing at him before setting his hands on Deans shoulders. "Son. I stitched up your daddy more times than I can count, let me tell you. Oh, it's good to see you." He took Deans face in his hands. "Of course, that was ages ago. Back when I still had my medical license. And you two weren't together. Now look at you. Right this way." He turned, leading them to a door. "Now you two tied the knot, have a daughter. Word travels fast."

Dean and Alexis share a look. "Well, you know, I'm no germ freak, but, heh. . ." Dean trails off. 

"Rent's cheap." Dr. Robert shrugs, walking into the room he'd come from. 

Dean sighs, stepping inside. Alexis closes the door behind her.

"Eve, my assistant." Dr. Robert gestures to the woman with a syringe in hand. 

"Hi." Dean greets. 

Dr. Robert pats the bed. "Hop right up."

"Now, you've, uh, done this a lot?" Dean asks. 

"Oh, many, many times." Dr. Robert nods.

"And your success rate?" Alexis asks. 

"Oh, excellent. Almost 75 percent." Dr. Robert tells her. "So should we get the, uh, preliminaries out of the way?"

"Yeah, uh, yeah. Right." Dean pulled out two envelops, handing one to the doctor. 

"So, uh, listen." Dean took of his jacket as Dr. Robert walks across the room. "If something. . ."

"Goes wrong?" Dr. Robert fills in.

"Yeah. Uh. . .talking to Lex, though." Dean sat down. 

"Dean, no. We talked about this." Alexis stepped closer to him, lowering her voice.

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