Chapter 33: What do demons or ghosts have to do with shifters taking a road trip

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. . .And Then There Were None 1

Alexis smiled a little when the feeling of lips brushing her shoulder, her collarbone, her neck. Whispers of apologies float into her ears as Dean fingers caressed the skin of her side. Alexis blinked, opening her eyes as she realized she was in one of the extra rooms on Bobby's house.

"Dean." She mumbled, her hand sliding up his arm.

"I am so sorry." Dean pressed a tender kiss to her lips.

Alexis sighed. "Dean, its been like two weeks since you came to your senses. You don't need to apologize."

"I do." Dean told her. He was about to continue when Alexis cut him off by pressing her lips to his. She pulled him closer, her fingers curling into his hair.

"Just tell me you love me." Alexis says as Deans lips trailed down her neck.

"I love you, Lexi. So damn much." Deans lips brush her collarbone, his breath fanning her skin.

Alexis closed her eyes, letting his words ease the tension in her chest that had been there since he left weeks ago. She felt Deans lips trail down her skin as he unbuttoned the shirt she was wearing. Alexis would be lying if she said she wasn't scared Dean would run off again.

But right now, in this moment, after a long day, she let his touch and sweet words calm her fear and worry. She let herself get lost in the moment while the two could.


"I been getting blasts from hunters all week." Bobby tells Sam, Dean and Alexis. He circles a spot on the map. "Nest of vamps, werewolf dance party." He circles another. "Shifters, six of them. Two hunters died taking them out." He continues to circle each spot on the map as he lists off more monsters. "Ghouls, ghouls, ghoul-wraith smorgasbord."

"Is it just me or is that a straight kick line down I-80?" Dean asked, gesturing to the line on the map.

"Exactly." Bobby drew a line to connect each circle.

"Looks to me like it's a Sherman march monster mash." Dean lifted Madilyn into his arms as he tugged on his sleeve.

"Yeah, but where are they marching to?" Sam asked, looking between the other hunters.

"Their death, hopefully." Alexis sighs, crossing her arms over her chest.

Bobby drew a large circle around the next city.

"What is it?" Sam asked him.

"Guy bashes in his family's heads." Bobby answered.

"Oh, how fun." Alexis mutters.


After about a half an hour of Madilyn clinging to Dean and begging him not to go, Sam, Dean and Alexis were finally decided to take her with them to question the man who'd murdered his family.

"It's like I told the cops." Rick began. "I blacked out."

"Well, just tell us what you do remember." Sam tells him as he, Dean and Alexis sat opposite of the man. Since Madilyn wouldn't let Dean leave her for more than 30 seconds, Bobby had tagged along as well and now stood across the room.

"I was driving my regular route and then I--I woke up in my truck at work." Rick explains.

"Where's work?" Sam asked.

"Starlight Cannery." Rick answered. "I didn't remember how I got there, so I called home." He looked down at his hands. "When no one picked up, I went there and I found. . . ."

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