Chapter 8: What is up with you and your bitch-ass angel buddies

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The Third Man 2

Sam, Dean, Alexis and Castiel were suddenly in a dark living room where the father of the kid who was shot sat on the couch.

"Cass, a little warning next time." Dean says.

"How'd you get in?" The man asks, standing up.

"Mr. Birch, settle down." Sam tells him. "Federal agents."

"But you can't just walk in here."

"Quite a collection you got there, huh?" Sam glances down at the police reports and similar papers covering the coffee table.

"What are you trying to--?" Mr. Birch begins.

"Look, we know the truth, alright? Chris didn't have a gun on him when those cops shot him." Sam states. "They set him up."

"Yeah." Mr. Birch nods. "They're all getting theirs."

"And who's giving it to them, Darryl?"

"Darrly, did you kill Toby Gray and the others?" Dean asks as Madilyn held onto his hand.

"Me?" Darrly repeats. "I didn't kill anyone. Look at how they died."

"I think he's telling the truth." Alexis whispers, leaning toward Dean as Madilyn hid between the two.

"You smote them with the staff of Moses." Cass says.

"What the hell kind of Fed are you?" Darrly sent Cass a confused look.

"We don't have time for this." Cass walks closer to the man. "Where is is?"

"Leave my dad alone." A voice calls out from behind the hunters and angel.

A boy stood behind them, holding a stick out in front of himself like a weapon.

"Is that--?" Dean begins.

"Yes." Castiel answers.

"Shouldn't it be bigger?" Sam asks.

Alexis bit her tongue, shaking her head slightly. I'm not going to say anything.

"Yes, it's--It's been sawed off." Cass states.

"Leave him alone, it wasn't him." The boy tells them.

"Aaron, get out of here." Darryl looks at the boy. Cass turns, setting his fingers on the man's head. Darryl fell unconscious.

"What did you do to him?" Aaron asks.

"He's alright, he's just sleeping." Dean reassures the boy.

Castiel appeared behind Aaron, taking the staff from him.

"Cass, take it easy." Dean says. "Listen, we're not here to hurt you, okay?" Dean moved toward the boy. "But we need to know. Where did you get this thing?"

"Please don't kill my dad." Aaron pleads, backing away.

"We're not here to kill anybody." Alexis tells him as Madilyn tugged on her sleeve. She lifted her into her arms, moving across the room.

"It was me. I did it." Aaron says.

"Like she said, nobody's killing anybody." Dean assures him. "What's your name?"

"Aaron. Aaron Birch."

"Okay, Aaron Birch, where did you get this?"

"You won't believe me."

"Try me."

Aaron looked between the four adults. "It was an angel."

"An angel?" Alexis asks.

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