Chapter 12: I am not telling you the truth

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You Can't Handle The Truth 1

"I know what I saw, Bobby." Dean says quietly as he and Alexis walk further away from the food stand that Sam was at. 

"We tested him." Bobby tells Dean.  "Salt, silver, everything." 

"He thew me to that vamp. I'm telling you, it's not my brother." Dean insists as he and Alexis walk down the hill. Madilyn held onto Alexis's hand, babbling and mumbling to herself as she'd occasionally point out a bird or squirrel to Alexis. 

"Well, then he's something we ain't seen before." Bobby replies. 

"Yeah, or it's freakin' Lucifer." Dean hisses into the phone. 

"Did you call Cass?"

"Of course. He's not answering." Dean sighs. "But screw him. I can't wait anymore."

"Look, I get it. You're rattled." Bobby begins. "You're right to be. But let's be professional--"

"Professional? He watched me get turned."

"What you saw. Are you sure that's what you saw?" Bobby asks. 

"Damn it, Bobby. Yes, I know."

"'You know' ain't the same as proof. Because we're talking about--"

"We're talking about doing something about it, and fast." Dean cut him off. "It's not just the vamp. He's been different from the jump." 

"Alright, I'm with you."

"Are you?" 

"Yeah. I'll hit the books, hard. Just don't shoot him yet, alright? Watch him."

"I'll babysit the overgrown menaces, Bobby. Don't worry." Alexis leans toward the cell. 

"We need facts." Bobby continues. "Because if it ain't Sam, we don't know what it is. If we're gonna put him down, we're gonna need to know how." 

"I don't even wanna ride in the same car with him, much less work a damn case." Dean tells Bobby. 

"Get in the car." Bobby demands. "He's your case." He hung up. 

Dean shoved his cell phone back in his coat. 

"Don't worry, Dean. I'm sure everything's alright." Alexis slipped her hand into his. 

Sam walked up to them. He handed Dean a burrito. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. How are you?" Dean replies. 

"Me? Great. Here, look, check this out." Sam held out the paper. "Think it might be something." 

Fourth Tragic Suicide, the headline reads. 

"Four people, out of nowhere. All in the last couple of weeks." Sam explains. "What do you say?"

"Yeah." Dean nods. "Sounds like a plan."

"Let's go."

"Mama." Madilyn tugs on her sleeve as they walk toward the car. 

"Yeah, sweet pea?" Alexis looks down. 


"We've got food in the car." Alexis took the sippy cup Madilyn held out to her. 


"I don't understand." Olivia walks toward Sam, picture in hand. "Why would federal investigators be interested in a suicide?" 

"Well, um, it's a new, more caring administration." Sam answers. 

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