Chapter 19: Where the short dude drives a tiny car and guts a police officer

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Clap If You Believe 2

"The library's closing up soon. I'm almost done." Sam tells Dean and Alexis over the phone.

"You find anything?" Dean asks, scrolling through what felt like the millionth alien website.

"Yeah. Way too much." Sam answers. "Everyone on the planet believes in UFOs. And they will not stop writing books about it."

"Then everyone on the planet is stupid." Alexis says, clicking on another website.

"Yeah, well, at least books have punctuation." Dean sighs. "Alright, keep digging. We'll see what you got when you get back." Dean hung up, dropping the phone on the table.

Alexis sighs, blinking as Space Oddity by David Bowie floats through the speakers of the radio. The lights begin to flicker.

"Oh, no." Dean mutters. A white light flashed by the window as Dean stood. "Not again."

The door burst open.

"Dean?" Alexis asks as he glances at his gun on the bed. A golden ball of light zips into the doorway.

Dean didn't reply as he went to grab the weapon. The ball of light flew across the room, stopping in front of the gun. Dean leaned closer, squinting against the light. "Nipples?"

"What are you talking about?" Alexis asks, turning in her seat to face him. "Dean?"

Dean stumbled across the room as the light flew at his face. Madilyn giggles from her spot on the floor.

"Bitch." Dean mutters. He ducked again, moving around the room as the light flew toward him. He stumbled back until he hit the counter. He opened the microwave as the light shot toward him. He moved, closing the door after the golden light stopped inside the microwave.

"Ha!" Dean smiles, hitting the start button. The light grew brighter until it exploded. Dean laughed in victory.

"Dean, you do know you have to put food in there for it to work, right?" Alexis asks as Madilyn laughs. "Are you okay?"

Alexis hadn't seen any of what Dean had. Not the golden ball of light, or the flash of white light. All she seen was Dean stumbling around for seemingly no reason.


The three hunters stood at the microwave, peering inside.

"See what?" Sam asks.

"See--see what? See the--the b-blood." Dean stammers. "See all the blech." Dean gestures to the inside of the microwave. He saw redish/black goo all over it whereas the other hunters seen a clean microwave.

"Sorry, man. I'm not seeing it." Sam insists.

"At least you entertained Maddie. She thought it was funny." Alexis shrugs her shoulders, smiling a little.

"You don't see the--the ech?" Dean points to the microwave. "It's right there."

"Okay, let's go with you see it and we don't." Sam straightens up. "What the hell was it?"

Dean closes the door. "It was a--a little naked lady, okay?"

"It was--A what?" Sam asks.

"Dean, are you high? Drunk?" Alexis asks. "Sick, maybe?" She pressed her palm to his forehead, checking for a fever.

Dean swatted away her hand. "No, I'm not sick, okay? It was a little, glowing. . .hot naked lady with nipples and--She hit me." He looked down at the floor.

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