Chapter 23: Can't even play one peaceful game of poker anymore

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Appointment At Samarra 2

"Medically, I can't explain it." The doctor tells Hilary's father.

"So, ahem, her heart just healed?" He asks.

"Couple of times in your career, you see something you just gotta call a miracle. All I know is I won't have to operate."

"Thank you. Thank you, doctor." He kneels next to Hilary. "You did it. You're gonna be okay."

The two continue down the hall as a nurse walks through. "Hey, hon. Guess what. I'm leaving." Jolene says after dialing a phone number. "No, surgery was canceled."

"Come on. We have more work here." Tessa tells Dean.


"Pair of aces." Sam sets his cards down on the table.

"You want another one?" Bobby asks, gesturing to the empty beer.

"Yeah, sure."

"I'll deal." Alexis slid the deck of cards toward her as Bobby leans down at the refrigerator.

Sam stood, grabbing the wrench he'd been eyeing earlier in the game. Bobby turned, hitting Sam in the head before the younger hunter could hit him

Sam fell to the floor.

"May have been born at night, boy, but it wasn't last night." Bobby says, crossing the room.

"Can't even play one peaceful game of poker anymore." Alexis scoffs as Bobby grabs some rope. He turned only to see Sam gone.

"You were supposed to be watching him." Bobby told Alexis.

"I was shuffling the cards." Alexis defends herself. "I thought you knocked him out."

"Not good." Bobby mutters, grabbing a gun. "Let's not do anything hasty here, Sam."

Alexis stood, pulling her gun from her waistband as Bobby moved to lock the door. The sound of floorboards creaking made the two turn to living room doorway.

"Alex." Bobby hisses, gesturing to the closet door.

"I can't leave Maddie out here. You go, I'll be fine." Alexis waves a hand. 


"Go, Bobby." 

Bobby rolls his eyes, slipping into the closet. After a few seconds he heard something hit the floor then the doorknob began to rattle.

Then the wood cracks, kitchen light leaking into the dark closet as Sam hit the door repeatedly with a wrench. 

"Don't say 'here's Johnny.'" Bobby scoffs as Sam came into view.

"I gotta do this, Bobby. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have cornered yourself." Sam pants, a trail of blood running down his face. 

"I didn't." Bobby pulled a lever and the floor beneath Sam gave away. He fell, hitting the hard, cold floor of the basement. 

Back upstairs on the kitchen floor, Alexis stirred as Bobby nudged her boot with his. She groans, bringing her hand up to her head. She pushes herself up to her feet, following Bobby to the locked basement door that Sam was beating on. 

"Reinforced steel core. Titanium kick plates." Bobby calls out through the door as the sound stops. "Get comfy. You wanna explain what this is about?"

"I just, uh. . .I have to do this, Bobby." Sam replies.

"Says who?"

It was quiet for a few seconds. "Dean shoves that soul back in me, think how bad that could really be. I can't let that happen, Bobby. I mean, it's not like I want to kill you. You've been nothing but good to me."

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