Chapter 9: You and your fork were super dangerous

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Weekend at Bobby's 1

"No EMF." Sam states, ducking under a tree limb as Dean pulled his gloved hand away from the dead man's chest that had been ripped open. The were ducking behind the bushes surrounding a playground. "You find anything in there?"

"Yeah, I got some kind of a claw." Dean answers, picking up the bloody remnant of whatever had killed this man.

"What in the hell has a claw like that?" Sam asks. 

"We're not sure." Alexis replies, peeking over at the playground where Madilyn was. Her eyes landed on her daughter, who sat in the sandbox. 

"That's a good question." Dean adds, pulling out his cell. The phone rang and rang.

"Maybe he's in the can." Sam shrugs. 

Bobby finally answered. "What happened? Fall and can't get up?" Dean asks. 

"Hilarious. What's up?" Bobby asks. 

"We're in Wisconsin. Six bodies, chests cracked wide open. No EMF, no sulfur, no hex bags. We did find this, though. Hang on." Dean moved the phone from his ear and snapped a picture of the claw in his hand. "Alright, check your wang." 

"That's a new one." Bobby tells him. 

"Yeah, we need an ID, ASAP." Dean sighs. "This thing's on a rampage. Call as soon as you dig something up." 

"Dean, I'm a little busy."

"Well, then kick Bo Derek out of your bathtub, we got a case." 

"I'll call you back." 


The next day Dean and Alexis sat in the motel, food in front of them. 

"You're hunting a Lamia." Bobby tells Dean over the phone. 

"Come again?" Dean asks. 

"Its a monster. Juices hearts, chugs the blood. Never heard of one popping up outside of Greece, though." Bobby explains.

"Yeah, well, looks like this freak is immigrating. Snacking on cheeseheads."  Dean stood, grabbing a beer. "How do we gank it?" 

Bobby yawns. "There's a couple of ways. Easiest is a silver knife blessed by a padre."

"Gotcha." Dean hung up. He turns to face Alexis. "You're not eating, everything alright?"

"If I eat, I'll throw up. Your child is kicking my ass." Alexis tells him as Madilyn sat in her lap, eating French fries. 


"What's another way to kill a lamia?" Dean asks as Bobby answers the phone.

"What happened to the knife blessed by a priest?" 

Dean looked down at the dead priest. "It didn't pan out. What's Plan B?" 

Sam yelled out as he was thrown across the room. 

"Come on, Bobby, get the lead out." Dean tries to hurry him along.

"Where are you?"

"Church. A rectory." 

Alexis tripped, hitting the wall as Sam was thrown yet again. "Sam, move out of the way." She hisses. 

"Is there a kitchen?" Bobby asks.


"Find salt and rosemary." 

Dean dug through the cabinets, looking for the two ingredients. 

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