Chapter 31: I miss him too

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The French Mistake 2

Alexis knocked on Bobby's door and it opened. Bobby sighed. "Alex--"

"Is he here?" Alexis asked, looking at Bobby so tired and hurt that all he could do was pull her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, kid. He's being stupid right now. You don't even know how many times I've torn into him about this for a week."

Alexis wrapped her arms around Bobby, sinking into his embrace. "He's not coming back to me, is he?"

"He will." Bobby reassures her. "He's just being a stubborn ass right now. He's scared and thinks he's right."

Alexis sighs. "That's what everybody else said too."

"Come on in, kid." Bobby pulled away. "Where's your mini me?"

"In the car. I'll go get her."


Sam, Dean and Sara walk through the large wooden double doors of Jared's house. Sara walked ahead, pulling her hand from Dean's. She shook that hand as if that would erase his touch. "Nice modest digs, Jay-Z." Dean whispers to Sam, ignoring the pang of hurt at the distance between them.

"Wow. I must be the star of this thing." Sam comments.

"Yeah, right." Dean scoffs as they walk further into the house and he notices a tanning bed. "Check it out."

"What am I, Dracula?"

Dean moved to open the tanning bed. "George Hamilton Dracula."

"Gen?" Sara called out.

"Oh, now we're talking." Dean says once noticing the liquor shelf across the room. At the sound of an animal bleating, Dean peaked through the curtains and into the yard. "Dude, you have a camel in your back yard."

"It's an alpaca, dumbass." Genevieve stopped at the top of the staircase.

Sam and Dean turn to look.

"Ruby?" Dean asked.

Genevieve rolled her eyes, walking down the stairs as Sam turns to Dean with a panicked look.

Sam turned back to noticed pictures of himself and Genevieve hanging on the wall.

"Ruby. Right. Because that one never gets old." She remarks, pulling Sara into a hug. "How are you?"

Sara sighed, lowering her voice as she pulled away. "He's acting odd and I don't know what's going on."

"We'll talk more later." Genevieve whispers before walking to Sam. "How was work today, hon?" She leaned up, pecking Sam on the lips.


"Wait, you and Ruby?" Dean asked Sam in a low voice as Genevieve sat on the couch in front of them.

"Do you honestly think that's funny, Jensen?" Genevieve asked.

"Right." Dean nods. "Right. Because you're not Ruby. You. . ." He looked to Sam, who shrugged. "I mean, how could you be? You. Of course, you are the lovely actress who plays Ruby." He chuckles. "And you are in Jared's house because you two are. . ." He trails off, noticing the pictures from their wedding. "Married."

Sam turned to look.

"You married fake Ruby?" Dean asked.

"See?" Sara sat down beside Genevieve. "Plus, he's acting all lovey-dovey and. . .close." She adds lower.

Genvieve nods. "What are you doing?"

"Work." Sam spit out. "Work. Heh."

"Yeah. Just thought I'd pop in. Say hey." Dean adds. "Hey. And maybe run some lines."

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