Chapter 43: You gotta hurry

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Let It Bleed 1

"Well, you know what? At least you tried." Sam shrugged as he sat behind a book filled desk. 

"Yeah, a fat lot of good it did." Dean replied. "Why did he even come, right?"

Dean stood up, walking toward the desk. "Well, Samuel's journals are pointless. I mean, I'm sorry, but Jebediah Campbell has squat to tell me about how to stop Cass from cracking purgatory." He dropped the book on the desk. 

"Well, actually, it's not about the journals we have. It's about the one we don't." Bobby corrected as he walked into the living room. 

"Meaning what?" Sam asked.

"Well, that's the bad news. Our pal, Cass, didn't stop in last night just to mend fences."

"What did he do?" Dean asked.

"Stole something." Bobby answered.


"The journal of one Moishe Campbell."

"They're parents hated them." Alexis muttered from her spot on the couch.

"Moishe?" Sam repeated. 

"Of the New York Campbells." Bobby explained. 

"Wha--? Uh, so we gotta get it back, right?" Sam asked. 

"Well, just read the copy I had already made." Bobby lifted an orange envelope. "Hi, glad to meet you. Bobby Singer, paranoid bastard."


"I think I zeroed in on something." Bobby spoke up after a while of reading through the copy. 

"What do you got?" Dean asks as Bobby offered him a paper. "'Went to talk to Howard Phillips about the event of March 10th.'" He handed Sam a cup of coffee as he had his own as well. Alexis had decided to run to the store while they went through the journal, and she had yet to get back. 

"That's March 10th, 1937." Bobby told him. 

Dean sat down on the edge of the desk. "Alright, so who's this Phillips guy?"

"Phillips ain't his last name. It's Lovecraft." 

"Wait, H.P Lovecraft?" Sam asks and Bobby nods. "Let me see that." He took the paper from Dean.

"Am I supposed to know who that is?" Dean asked. 

Bobby looked at him oddly. "Horror writer. At the Mountains of Madness, The Call of Cthulhu."

"Yeah." Dean smiled, nodding a little as he laughs a little. "No, I was too busy having sex with women."

Alexis smacked his arm, bringing her eyes up from the book she was reading. "Shut up, moron."

Dean looked at her. "What?"

"You're an idiot."

Bobby rolled his eyes. "Anyhow, there's one notion that comes up over and over again in his stories. Namely, opening doors to other dimensions and letting scary crap through."

"You don't say." Dean says.

"Wait, so you're saying you think Lovecraft knows something about purgatory?" Sam asked. 

"All I know is Moishe paid him a visit." Bobby gestured to the paper. 


Dean was reading through some more papers when his phone rang. He picked it up. "Sweetheart?"

"Dean, help." Alexis practically yelled. Though her voice sounded distant.

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