Chapter 40: A dead one

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Mommy Dearest 1

Alexis leaned over Deans shoulder as he made bullets filled with the phoenix ashes. She ran her hand up and down his arm, her fingers gently brushing over the skin of his forearm. 

"Your starting to get a little distracting." Dean tells her, shaking her other hand off of his leg. 

"Hmm, my life goal." Alexis hums. 

"Hey. Uhh." Sam walked down the basement stairs, followed by Bobby. Madilyn held onto Bobby's finger, jumping from step to step. 

"Careful, Mads." Alexis called out as Madilyn jumped off the last step, landing on the floor with a thud. Madilyn let go of Bobby's finger and walked over to her parent.

"How was the nap, munchkin?" Dean asked.

"Good." Madilyn replied. 

"How you doing?" Sam asked, walking closer.

"Five, shells, that's how I'm doing." Dean answered. 

Sam sighs, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well, you know, it's a hell of a lot more than we had last week."

Dean turned, dropping what he had in his hand. "Maybe."

"Meaning?" Bobby asked. 

"Meaning I just had myself a little mishap a few minutes ago and, uh. . .Well, here, look." Dean stuck his fingers in the phoenix ash and rubbed it on his forearm.

"Huh." Bobby hums. 

"This stuff is supposed to burn the bejesus of out Eve." Dean states. "Doesn't even give me a sunburn."

"The lore says it works." Bobby shrugs. 

"Lore's been wrong before." Alexis sighs.

"She's right." Dean turns back around. "It's always reliable." He mutters sarcastically. 

"Well, you know what? Maybe it's like iron or silver, you know?" Sam suggests as Dean stood, crossing the room. "Hurts them, not us."

"Maybe, but a fat lot of good it does us till we find the bitch." Dean wiped the ash off of his arm. 

"I'm looking, but I'm thinking maybe it's time you made a call." Bobby tells him. 

"Why does it always got to be me that makes the call, huh?" Dean asked. 

"Because." Alexis answered. "Whatcha got, Maddie?"

"Nemnems." Madilyn answers, holding up a yellow M&M. 

"It's not like Cass lives in my ass. The dude's busy." Dean continues. He notices the way Sam, Alexis and Bobby were looking over his shoulders. He spins around, taking a step back to see Cass right behind him. "Cass, get out of my ass."

"I was never in your--" Cass began. "Have you made any progress in locating Eve?"

"We were gonna ask you about that?" Bobby tells him.

"No, I've looked, but she's hidden from me. She's hidden from all angels."

"Awesome." Dean scoffs. 

"What about demons? Maybe I could call up Eric. He's been unhelpfully helpful lately." Alexis suggests. 

"I'm not sure." Cass replied. "Though I'm not sure how one is unhelpfully helpful."

"You know, what we really need is an inside man." Sam states. 

"What do you mean?" Dean asked.

"Something with claws and sympathy." 

"Like a friendly monster?"

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