Chapter 11: My now vampire husband is waiting for me to save his sweet ass

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Live Free or Twihard 2

"We gotta prepare to do that right thing." Samuel tells Sam.

"I told you he'd kill me when he showed up." Dean speaks up from across the motel room.

Both pull out machetes. "Did you feed?" Samuel asks.

"You are not killing him." Alexis tells them, stepping in front of Dean.

"I went to say goodbye to Alexis. Which, for the record, was obviously a lousy idea." Dean walks toward the window. "Now she's hell bent on saving me."

"Dean, answer the question." Samuel insists. "Alexis, get away from him."

"You can relax." Dean turns to them. "I didn't drink anyone."  

"Thank god." Samuel mutters. 

"But I came close." Dean pauses, his eyes flickering to Alexis. He took off his jacket. "Alright. Do it."

"What? No." Alexis scoffs. 

"Alexis, get out now." Dean demands. 

"Okay, if you insist." Samuel walks toward Dean.

"No, have you lost your damn mind?" Alexis looks over at him.

"Or I can just turn you back." Samuel continues. 

"What?" Sam, Dean and Alexis ask.

"I didn't drive all this way to kill you, Dean. I'm here to save you." Samuel tells him. 


Samuel slid a book across the table to Dean. "That's my grandfather's journal. The cure's an old Campbell recipe, kind of like the soup. No one's tried it since God knows. From what I hear, the stuff if a bad trip."

"Awesome." Dean mutters. 

"Hey, the cure is good." Samuel shrugs. "But a lot of this is on you. You drink, you're done. It won't work. I'm talking one drop of human blood."

"I got it." Dean nods. 

"Don't worry, buddy, I'll keep you on the straight and narrow." Alexis pats his shoulder. 

"Do you?" Samuel asks Dean. "Because you will feed, it's a matter of time." 

Dean closes the journal. "What else do we need?"

"Some stuff we got, some we gotta get." Samuel explains. "Trickiest thing on the list, blood of the fang who turned you." 

"The guy was huge." Sam states.

"Nothing in the recipe about easy." 

"I can get it." Dean stood. 

"You gonna walk right into the nest?" Samuel asks him. 

"Well, I'm one of them, aren't I?" Dean counters. "So all I got to do is get in there, get the guy alone. . .shoot him with so much dead mans blood he'll think he's rushing a fraternity."

"I should come with you." Sam states. 

"No, Dude, you reek. You're like a walking hamburger. I gotta do this solo." 

"Yeah, except we haven't been able to find them yet." 

Alexis sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "See what happens when I leave you two alone?" Alexis mutters. 

"No problem." Dean grabs his jacket. "I can smell them. They're two miles east of town. You guys get the other crap and meet me there." 

"Dean." Samuel calls out, grabbing a syringe. "It's dead mans blood. Now, there's enough there to drop a linebacker and then some. Good luck, son." 

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