Chapter 39: So you were what, riding through a field of daisies?

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Frontierland 2

"You okay, sheriff?" Sam asked as they all stood in the room where the judge had died. 

"Of course I'm okay." The sheriff replied.

"It was a ghost." Darla spoke up.

"It wasn't a ghost." The sheriff looked over his shoulder at her. "Unless ghosts leave footprints." He gestured to the boot treads leading to the balcony. 

"I am telling you Elias Finch was here." Darla insists. "He did that and then he walked out that door."

"Rope didn't kill him. Seen it before."

"You got any idea where he could be?" Sam asked. 

"Could be a thousand places." The sheriff replied. 

"Well, you got a way to flush him out?" Dean asked. 

"Of course. We're gonna form a posse then string Finch up right. Put a bullet in his head for good measure."

"That actually sounds like a good plan."

"You two should come alone." The sheriff tells the brother. "No offence, ma'am, but I'm sure a respectable lady such as yourself wouldn't want to involve yourself in this."

Alexis smiled. "I accompanied my husband on this trip. I'll follow his lead." 

"Meet downstairs at dawn." The sheriff gave her an odd look.

"Yeah, we'll be there." Dean nods as the sheriff walks off. 

"Get yourselves some real gear first, huh?" The sheriff suggests. 

"What does he think? I'm going to sit on my ass in this crappy town and talk to the whores who hit on my husband?" Alexis scoffs quietly. 

"Well, I think we ought to pay our respects to Finch." Dean says.

"I was thinking the same thing." Sam agrees. 


Sam, Dean and Alexis held lanterns out in front of themselves, peering into the empty grave. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Sam asked. 

"Rose from the ashes, burned up its victim?" Dean suggested. "Maybe we're not looking for a flaming bird. Maybe the phoenix is walking around in cowboy boots."

"It makes sense." Sam shrugs. 

"Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't some mythical bird walk around in cowboy boots?" Alexis asked sarcastically.

"Could be Finch." Sam mumbles, glancing back at the grave. "So question is, how do we put this thing out?"

"Pour water on him?" Alexis shrugged. "Maybe he'll melt like the Wicked Witch of the West." 

"We do know one thing that'll kill anything." Dean tells them.

"I like my idea better, but. . ." Alexis mutters jokingly. 

"Yeah, the Colt." Sam answers Deans question.

"So you go get the gun." Dean begins. 

"But isn't the gun coming here?" Sam asked. "According to Colt's journal?"

"Yeah, but people here barely know who Colt is. Maybe you got to go find him and make history." Dean gestured to Sam. "I'll stay here, hook up with the posse. Because you know me, I'm a posse magnet."

"Are you being serious right now?" Alexis crossed her arms over her chest, trying to keep a straight face. 

"I mean, I love posse." Dean continued, trying to hold back a smile of his own. Dean grinned. "Make that into a T-shirt."

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