Chapter 28: Give his liver back

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Mannequin 3: The Reckoning 1

"Sam." Dean says, gripping Sam's jacket in his fist as he looked down at his unconscious brother. "Sam?" Dean set a hand on his neck, checking for a pulse. "Sammy!"

Alexis knelt on the other side of Sam, patting his cheek. "This isn't funny, Sam. Wake up."

"Come on." Dean mutters. "Come on, damn it."

Sam gasps, opening his eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. You with me?" Dean asks.

Sam groans, nodding his head.

"Okay. Come on. Come on. We gotta get the hell out of dodge." Dean grabbed Sam by the collar and pulled him up.


"How you feel?" Dean asks, walking toward Sam and Alexis, who were waiting for him by the car.

"Like I got hit by a planet." Sam answers, moving his hand away from his head and grabbing the coffee Dean offered him.

"That sounds fun." Alexis took a coffee as well.

"Well, lucky for you I'm a doctor. I got Joe, grub and--" Dean held up a clear medicine bottle, shaking it and making the pills inside rattle.

"What are they?" Sam asked.

"Effective." Dean replies.

"He's right. You'll feel great in no time." Alexis nudged Sam's arm.

"I'm okay, thanks." Sam denies.

"Suit yourself." Dean shoved the bottle back in his jacket.

Alexis adjusted Madilyn in her hip as the toddler leaned toward Dean, trying to grab the bag of donuts he had.

Sam sighs. "So how long was I out again?"

"I'm telling you, like two or three minutes." Dean answered as he took Madilyn from Alexis.  "Why, what'd it feel like to you?"

"About a week, give or take."

"You wanna talk about it?" Dean asked, leaning against the car. 


"Yeah, what that was. It was like you were frigging electrocuted." 

Sam looked at Dean for a moment. "Look, I mean, it wasn't fun, but I'm fine." 

"Fine." Dean repeated, looking away from his brother. "It was hell, wasn't it? You got a big, fat face-full of hell. Ever cross your mind you could have died?"

"Oh, come on."

"I'm serious." Dean insists. "And none of this 'it's just a flesh wound' crap. We did it your way. We let you go explore and every bad thing I said would happen, happened. So guess what? Past stays past. We're not kicking that wall again."

"So I'm supposed to just ignore it." 


"Dean, I might have done. . .who knows what. And you want me to forget about it?"

"You shove it down and you let it come out in spurts of violence and alcoholism." Dean tells Sam. 

"That sounds healthy."

"Well, works for me." Dean shrugs. "This is not a joke. Your life is on the line here, Sam. This is not for debate. I mean, first you were a soulless dickbag, and now you're not. So we good?"

"Yeah. Sure." Sam nods. 

"Good." Dean pauses. "Well, let's get your mind off it, shall we? You, uh, up for a job?"

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