Chapter 18: How the hell do I get my husband back from the aliens?

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Clap Your Hands If You Believe 1

"I'm here because I believe Elwood, Indiana has become a center of extraterrestrial activity." Wayne tells the hunters as they interviewed people on the street.

"There was this light and then Patrick just vanished." A blonde-haired, blue-eyed witness told them.

"It's all happening, you know?" A red-headed woman says. "I mean, these entities have come to help push humanity to the next stage."

"My name is Wayne Whittaker, Jr. and I have personally recorded dozens eyewitness accounts." The man continued. "Strange lights in the sky, mysterious presences attempting contact."

"Since this whole damn circus has blown into town, no one seems to realizes we got four missing-persons cases, wide open." An officer sighs. "My friends have lost loved ones."

"What happened to him?" The blonde-haired girl asks. "Something took him. I know it."

"We are right in the middle of what we in the field like to call a UFO flap and I am as happy as a pig in shoes." Wayne chuckles.

"I can guarantee you this has nothing to do with UFOs or little green men or anything extraterrestrial whatsoever." The police officer shakes his head.

"Of course it's not UFOs." An older woman scoffs, shaking her head. "It's fairies."

"Fairies?" Dean asks.

The woman nods her head, smiling.

"Okay." Dean nods along. "Uh, well thank you for your input." Dean set a hand on Alexis's back as the two turn, about to walk away when Sam spoke up.

"What, flying saucers not insane enough for you?" He asks.

"What newspaper did you say you worked for?" The woman questions.

"Look, if you wanna add glitter to that glue your sniffing, fine." Sam closes the small notebook he had in hand. "But don't dump your wackadoo all over us, we'd rather not step in it."

"Okay, we're done." Dean grabbed Sam's arm, pulling him away.

"The only thing you're missing is a couple dozen cats, sister." Sam continues.

"Yeah. It's a blood sugar thing." Dean tells her. "My apologies."

"Sorry about him. He's. . .a little out of it." Alexis smiles, adjusting Madilyn on her hip as Dean begins to drag Sam away.

"What?" Sam asks the two as they all walk away.

"'What'? You gotta ask?" Dean scoffs.

"Sam, whenever you have the urge to say something, don't. Okay? Just zip it." Alexis tells him as they walk down the street.

"Right. Yes, you do have to ask." Dean mutters.

"Look, I'm sorry, but this is all a big joke, right? I mean, we're not actually taking this UFO crap seriously?" Sam asks.

"No, man. ET is made of rubber, everybody knows that." Dean sighs. "But there are four legitimate vanishing in this town. Something's going on. And, Sam, by the way, it's not the lady's fault she took the brown acid."

"Yeah? So?"

"Empathy, man. Empathy." Dean tells him. "I mean, the old Sam would have gave her some wussified, dew-eyed crap."

"Old Sam had a soul." Sam states. "Was a soul. Whatever."

"And was also much less annoying. At least we didn't have to babysit him and do damage control when we go out to eat." Alexis glances over at him.

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