Chapter 26

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As Nicholas shut the door and walked down the hallway toward his office, he couldn't help but grin to himself. He hoped he had gotten his point across well enough that the professor would finally leave Ella alone. He never understood a man that would take advantage of any woman, and certainly not one that was almost defenseless. He felt like the professor probably had ample opportunity to pursue someone his own age that wasn't quite as inexperienced. That is what was so concerning about him. He seemed to get more satisfaction out of coercing and potentially abusing an unsuspecting juvenile, or at least that was his suspicion. Even though he laughed to himself about obviously putting the fear of God in the professor, he did, as he said, take the safety of all his students very seriously. He had been watching and even had others watching the professor in order to protect them. He didn't know if the professor was capable of actually harming someone, but he didn't want to take chances.

For now, he was going to consider this immediate matter closed until he needed to address it again. He had other affairs that were much more tantalizing to look forward to. He was meeting Liz tonight once he was finished looking over some of the papers his students had turned in. He had no intention of letting anything interfere with his plans.

Liz was one of three woman he had been seeing for the past few years. She was well aware, as were they all, of the other women in his life. He made it very clear that he was not willing to settle down with one woman and would most likely never be. He had no interest in a serious relationship but neither did any of his companions. They too, wanted someone to share a nice time with, without any of the commitment. He wanted the company of an intelligent and beautiful woman that was satisfied with an occasional evening together. She had to be sexually compatible with him as well. He could have sex with anyone, and that did little to interest him. She had to be alluring, and seductive and he was only interested in someone that was uninhibited enough to satisfy his most provocative and erotic desires. He had no reason to accept anything less and he refused to settle. He however, had nothing but the highest regard for the women in his life and he understood, that at any time, they may decide to go on with their life without him, and he understood and respected this as well.

He himself was a self-proclaimed bachelor. He had had his share of serious relationships in the past. However, with every one came the feeling of being stifled. Those feelings were inevitably what would lead to the end of every serious relationship he had been in. He could honestly say he had never been in love with any of the woman although he did care for them. He remembered starring into broken hearted eyes more than once, and the effect it had on him. He deeply regretted causing another individual pain, especially one that he truly did care about, but he couldn't lie to himself and live a life in which he was not happy. He promised himself he would not be put in a situation like that again. He truly didn't want to be the cause of anyone's broken heart. All be told, that was most likely the reason for the stoic disposition he now carried most of the time. Down inside, he had a very fragile heart. He had buried it deep to protect it and sometimes more important to him, to protect others.

Liz arrived at the school and was escorted up to the professor's apartment by Nachton. She always thought Nachton was sweet and enjoyed a short conversation with him as they walked upstairs. Once they were at Nicholas's door, he excused himself and left her there to greet her date for the evening. She knocked on his door and soon Nicholas answered.

"Good evening Liz." He gave her a faint smile, kissed her on the cheek and then, with a sweep of his arm, he motioned for her to enter as he held open the door. As she did, she couldn't help but notice the look in his eyes as his heavy gaze settled over her, and true to Nicholas, there was little sign of emotion on his face. She knew what that look in his eyes meant though, and it excited her. She stood there looking around the room, as if it were the first time she had been there. She made note that everything looked the same. It was a very sophisticated and masculine looking apartment. There was a faint, but very pleasant scent that seemed to be a combination of his cologne and wood, or was it leather. He locked the door behind her, and he asked her how she had been. They exchanged some pleasantries as he walked directly to his bedroom, and she followed suit.

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