Chapter 48

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Sibylla ran to the courtyard as fast as she could. She accidentally bumped into a few people on the way and didn't acknowledge them, and they turned and looked at her with angry glares. As soon as she went into the school, she ran down to the wing where she knew the lab was and was hoping Dr Moustakas would be. As she got closer, she started calling his name and you could hear the desperation in her voice. He had been sitting at his desk, grading assignments and wrapping up the day's paperwork. He immediately got up from his desk and ran to the door, right as she was coming through the door and they almost collided. He caught her by her arms to prevent the disaster.

"What is wrong Sibylla?"

"Someone has her! There, there was an old lady!" She was breathless as she was trying to tell him what had happened.

"Who has who?"

"We we're walking" her sentences were coming in short choppy words.

"Calm down Sibylla and tell me what has happened" he spoke calmly but there was a sense of urgency in his demand.

She was looking at him, her eyes were wide as she looked up at him and she was trying to gain some composure and slow her breathing so she could get the words out.

"We we're out walking and there was an old lady. She tricked us and said she was lost. She tricked us and said she needed her medication from a bag that had fallen while she was in the woods." she was speaking, his heart started pounding hard as he was finally starting to realize what she was trying to say.

"Where is Ella?" His question had a note of desperation to it.

"It was a trick and the old lady turned into a giant man and he took her! He took her away, but we didn't see where she disappeared, like he had gone through a portal with her!"

Nicholas's heart sank when he heard what she was saying. He bent down enough to look in her eyes and staying very calm he began to question her

"Where did she enter the woods? Tell me exactly what the man looked like. What type of clothes did he wear? What was his stature? What color was his hair and how long was it? Did he have a beard?"

She answered all of his questions. He immediately started running toward Nachton's apartment yelling behind him to have Maggie waiting for him in the infirmary and tell her what was happening

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