Chapter 47

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At that moment, she heard a large clap of thunder and the wind started blowing. Her first thought was that a thunderstorm was on top of them, and it was getting ready to pour down rain. Suddenly she heard Millicent and Lucy screaming her name and as Ella looked back, she saw them running toward the woods. She could see Sibylla running back toward the school but didn't see the old lady. Ella was confused about what was happening. As if it were in slow motion, she saw Millicent and Lucy forcefully being pushed down by someone, as they ran past them toward the woods, but she didn't know who it was. Her brain was trying to process what was happening, when she finally realized it was a large man, with huge broad shoulders, and he was running swiftly through the woods, with shocking ease and he was quickly making his way towards her. A loud piercing scream escaped her mouth right as he snatched her up and roughly threw her over his shoulder. She instinctively started banging her fists on his back and bit down on his lower flank area, hard enough to draw blood. When she did this, he flipped her back over on the ground very violently, which knocked the wind out of her for a few seconds. She noticed he was trying to look at his side where she bit him, and she started hitting and clawing anywhere she could make contact. The last thing she saw was his open hand rising above his head and then coming down toward her face. She felt a blaze of hot stinging pain on her face and then a veil of blackness snuffed out her consciousness. 

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