02 | When the Past returns

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As the suns rays peeked over the horizon I scanned the street below for any movement, any indication that the Ferals were still in the area. I had woken before both men and broken the seal on the trap door, before quickly packing some food, water and medical supplies in my bag.

I checked the injured man, Jax, and noticed the poison had spread up his arm and into his shoulder, making its way to his heart. His breath was laboured and sweat beaded his forehead; he would be dead by the end of today if we didn't get to their group soon.

I heard soft footsteps behind me, shifting slightly I glanced at Glen, his surprised look that I heard his approach was not unusual; there was no one I had met that was capable of sneaking up on me. Well, not since the fall anyway. I turned to scan the street again

"What direction is your group located?" Glen stood and scanned the area before pointing north-east. The mountains that rose in the distance posed the question on how long they had been travelling for. And why did they leave?

"Is your friend awake?" I asked as he stepped beside me to scan the street as well. I saw him nod "good, we need to move. I'm don't know the direction the Ferals have gone, and with your friend being so wounded I can't rely on the rooftops for safety or surveillance" I turned and handed him two clips of ammo that I had found stashed in the room

"He's worse. It must have spread in the night" I didn't look at Glen

"They're always stronger at night, poison included"

"Kind of ironic since they don't hunt at night" I ignored the comment

"If the wound was any worse, he would be dead already" I glanced at the man, noticing the sweat on his forehead and the nervous expression on his face "I can give your friend something that will allow him to move at roughly eighty percent normal function. But it has the potential to make his condition worse, or even kill him before we get to your group"

"what's the alternative?"

"We move as we are...and probably die before we get close to your group" it sounded harsh, but I had been through multiple scenarios while scanning the area. With Jax being so wounded there was no possible way to move quick enough before the Ferals found us.

"How long would we have?"

"A few hours at best. It varies with each person"

"And there's no other way?" I felt him step closer, my body going on high alert. I turned to holster my gun, using the movement to gain distance between us

"If you want to survive? No"

"Then we had better move" as much as humans wanted to pretend they put others first, that helping people was their strength, in the end they all jumped at the choice to preserve their own life longer. Even if it meant at the expense of someone else.

I made my way back down to Jax, his breath raspy and body shaking. I quickly grabbed the last sterile syringe, hesitating slightly as I grabbed the small and unmarked vile, the liquid inside dark and thick. I used the sterile syringe to draw 5mls, not looking at the men as I did. I could see Glen's questioning glare but said nothing, and I made no indication to explain what it was; it would only make him freak out and both of us remaining calm was crucial. I had prepared this bottle earlier while both men still slept, drawing on a small amount of power as I extracted a small portion of my blood.

I didn't have time to explain how an Aura's blood worked on other people. Or how I accidently discovered it's extremely dangerous use.

I quickly injected the serum, hoping Glen didnt try to look at the liquid in the syringe. I had no doubt he would panic. I replaced both syringe and bottle back to its spot and glanced at Glen; I had no idea why I was doing what I was. I guess the human part of me refused to turn off my emotions entirely when it came to people I knew. Even if I did despise them.

When Fate And Worlds CollideOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora