04 | Home bound

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We made our way up the stairs and into the Lobby, I heard a few stifle their screams when they saw the sight of Ferals, razor teeth dripping with saliva and sharp claws leaving gauge marks in the ground. I waved my hand and created a screen that obscured the creatures from us, a sharp pain shooting behind my eyes; the back exit was our best chance we needed as much anonymity as we could get.

Glen ushered the group, instructing them to keep their eyes on him as we silently made our way through the building. Reaching the back door Jax and I pried it open, peeking through the crack to look for immediate dangers. Two Ferals raced across the roof top, bounding over the gap and dropping pieces of concrete that shattered like bombs on the ground in front of the door.

I quickly unscrewed the silencer on the end of my gun and slipped it into my pocket, I would need the range if it came down to holding back a wave of ferals, the problem was if I did have to fire without the silencer it would alert all ferals in the area. I looked at the group, holding a finger to my lips in an order for silence; if we were lucky, we could get to the next building before they spotted us.

But something told me this group was all out of luck.

We opened the door wide and with me taking point I moved into the street, scouting the rooftops above while Jax scanned the streets with two other men, Glen taking up the rear and closing the door as quietly as possible behind him, as we made our way down the alley.

A howl went up and we all froze, my heightened senses picking up additional movement from the Ferals; there was a possibility they had figured we were no longer inside. As we began moving again the building we just came from shook violently as the Ferals finally broke through my wards, the beasts pouring into the lobby.

I cursed under my breath, that had been sooner than I had expected. I started moving more quickly, hoping the rest understood the urgency as we rushed as quietly as we could down the street. Another howl went up followed by a roar as the Ferals discovered the basement was empty; too bad for them, I guess. A boom sounded not long after, igniting the trap symbols I had etched into the hallway, the explosion shaking the ground slightly and raining debris around us.

Out of instinct I turned to my left, my gun coming up and firing to protect myself before my brain had time to process the other dangers. The loud shot rang out around us, the Feral toppling from the wall to fall dead at my feet. I felt my heart pounding against my chest as adrenaline surged through my body and heightened my senses further; I had just sounded the dinner bell for our location.

I felt the air ripple as I sensed the beasts stop, processing the death and sound. I turned my eyes to Jax, wide with panic and I watched as the dread spread across his

"RUN!" I yelled as I propelled myself forward, the group scrambling to follow. Squeals and roars sounded through the air as the Ferals raced to our location. Someone screamed and I half turned to look as a Feral dropped onto someone, its teeth sinking into the mans flesh sending blood flying everywhere, a sickening crunch filling my ears as the beast fed.

I raised my gun, again firing before my brain had time to process the danger and another two Ferals dropping dead. Gunshots echoed behind me as the others started firing as well, more screams sounding as another two people were snatched by the beasts.

I stopped and turned back and fired two bullets, two Ferals that were about the kill Jax fell dead around him. The ground began to shake as more creatures raced to our location. I started running again, shooting as I went. I came to the corner and darted around, half checking the surroundings before racing towards the door to the building.

I wrenched it opened, my body almost humming from my powers that were overflowing with adrenaline, my senses threatening to overwhelm me, that sharp pain behind my eyes stabbing again. As the group poured inside a woman was snatched from above, her screams cut short as the Feral bit off her head, reigning blood down on everyone below. I started firing as more Ferals poured into the street and crawled over the rooftops above, pausing only to reload my gun.

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