09 | worlds apart

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Pale morning light spilled in through the floor to ceiling window of the study, bathing the map spread out on the table in gold. Sharp dark green eyes scanned the borders between his territory, and the neighbouring pack.
The Dark Aura had managed to evade his patrols so far, and was making it known that she was toying with them. He clenched his fist as his anger spiked, he had been at war with the Dark Aura for years and was no closer to riding their land of her filth.
There was a soft knock on the door before it opened gently

"Alpha?" It was his beta and second in charge Treyton, his posture stiff when he caught his Alphas dark look

"What" Daegon growled. He had instructed to not be disturbed while he worked out a new strategy to capture the witch. He had seen the sun set and rise, running off of rage and caffeine while he mapped out an attack plan. Treyton lowered his head in fear at disturbing his Alpha, but the news could not wait

"The Dark Aura was seen on the boarders of the Blue Moon pack. Sean, the Pack Alpha, is willing to work with you to capture her" Daegon straightened, his face unreadable as he clenched his jaw. He knew Alpha Sean would submit his help to Daegon, the alternative was annihilation; he did not take rejection or defiance well.

Daegon was the Lycan King, he was ruthless, rage filled and powerful. He surpassed his father at the age of thirteen with his powers and claimed the title of King at age seventeen. In the past twelve years he had managed to conquer six out of the eight packs that surrounded his territory, only halting his advance on the last two due to the rise of the Dark Aura that now plagued the land.

She was as ruthless and blood thirsty as Daegon, her power being the only one to rival his own.

"Where?" his deep voice commanded and he saw his beta shiver

"To the north, apparently she was attempting to gather a few of the stones that form within the Blue Moon Packs mountains" Daegon narrowed his eyes at that statement. Those stones held powerful properties that aided Aura's and their powers, however, they were extremely rare and unpredictable. When used correctly they were able to enhance the wielders power for a period of time, doubling or sometimes tripling their potential. The Blue Mood pack had been the guardians of these stones for centuries, they held the annual ceremony for the mating bond every year during the blue moon, when the stones were at their greatest.

If the witch was attempting to steal some, that meant she was trying to boost her own. This was not good news.

"Did she manage to claim any?" Treyton shuffled uncomfortably and a low growl rumbled in Daegon's chest

"She claimed two of the larger stones, and damaged over half of the remaining ones" the Lycan Kings fist slammed on the table, cracking the wood and scattering the papers. She was planning something and they were no closer to capturing the woman

"Send word to Alpha Sean, I will arrive in two days to asses the damage and situation" he instructed, not turning to see if Treyton had responded. This chase was becoming tiresome, and costing him resources that could be better spent elsewhere. There was another knock at the door and Daegon let out an irritated sigh

"I do hope that tone is not for me" a smooth voice drifted over as the door closed softly. Daegon turned to glance at the woman, Trixa. She was an extremely powerful healer and one of the very few people that had managed to get close enough to Daegon to be considered a friend.
Not that he had a choice, they had grown up together, and even though Trixa had been younger then him, she had dominated him in everything until Daegon had turned twelve. She had demanded they remain friends and close allies when they were seven, using her powers to bind them together.
His fate was her fate, and where he went, so did she

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