15 | The City

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Rohan found me in our home, a bag on the couch and weapons on the table. He stared at the gun for a moment before turning his gaze to where I stood in the kitchen, food prepped for my scouting trip. I knew he would be upset, I had only been home a short while before heading out again, and after my near death experience with the nightmare, I had felt his emotions starting to surge

"How long?" His voice was tight, hands shoved in his hoodie pocket. I could feel the turmoil swirling in his chest, see the tears that turned his eyes glassey

"It's only a few days, four max. I need to investigate our surroundings for answers to the ferals' bazaar behaviour" I scanned over his posture, looking for his reaction. He either had been practising on keeping his outside composure or didn't know how to react

"Why you?" His voice was barely a whisper, but I heard him clear as day


"You've already given so much mum...to me, to these people" he paused as he looked out the window, voice almost cracking "you never expect anything in return, never ask for it either. You put your life on the line every time you go out there, all while our supposed Alpha hides behind the walls you built with literally your blood, sweat and tears" I let out a sigh, exhaustion almost sweeping over me. It was an old argument, one that tore me apart every time I had to leave in order to keep us safe.

"If I don't go, who will? Xavier? Laurence? Braydon? Only one of those has enough power to possibly come home in one piece"

"Take me with you then" his eyes when he turned back to meet mine were so full of hope, determination and love I felt it resonate in my chest; he was to kind hearted for this world

"We've talked about this Roh, you're not ready"

"I'm not....or you're not?" He countered. I closed my mouth, teeth clenched. The accusation stung a little, but he wasn't wrong. The very thought of having him outside these walls, in the danger and horror filled streets caused anxiety to spike and threaten to drown me in panic. I had switched off my emotions to everyone else, but when it came to my son, the possibility of putting him in harms way, caused all emotions I still had to swirl and cause chaos in my mind.

I felt my palms start to sweat at the thought of what would happen if I failed to protect him out there. This was why I had built the Tower, why I had worked tirelessly to create a safe haven so I would never have to worry about where he was and if he was safe.

I felt Liam reach out at the spike in my adrenaline and anxiety, looking for the source of my discomfort. I pushed him away quickly, this was a private matter between my son and I

"You know I am strong enough, fast enough. You've trained me yourself, so has Xavier. I have surpassed all of your other Aura students and I'm now contributing to the Aura powers within the pack" Rohnan walked over to where I was standing and leant against the counter, the passion he was protruding caused pride to swell in my chest. He was so confident and grown, far from the young and vulnerable boy he had been when we had first stumbled across this place.

I knew if I turned him down it would cause a small rift to start between us. As much as he knew I loved him, and everything I did was to protect him, trying to force him to stay behind these walls for the rest of his life would be torture. It was almost the same as Liam trying to keep me contained to his side. If I forced Rohnan to stay here I was no better than our Alpha.

But on the other hand if he came with me, and we were cornered by a pack of ferals, I doubted my own abilities to keep him safe. Would my panic get the best of me? Would I freeze in fear at him being killed? It was different from when the fall had first happened, sleeping in holes in the ground and broken buildings while trying to find a safe place to live. Scavenging for food and clothing while I tried to work out how to use my newfound powers.

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