18 | Strangers

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Sunlight streamed in through the curtainless window to rest on my face, goosebumps raced over my skin as a soft and cooling breeze swept over me. The soft buzz of distant talking reached my ears and for a moment I thought I was back in the Tower, that Xavier and Liam had somehow managed to rescue me, and everything would be ok.

But then the memories came flooding back, the strange wolf-like people that had slaughtered the entire pack of ferals. I remembered that strange man who had managed to push back my powers with only two words.

I slowly blinked by eyes open, adrenaline now spiking and warning bells sounding in my head to get up and assess the situation. I attempted to push myself up when pain stabbed through my shoulder, causing me to gasp, the memory of the ferals teeth ripping into my flesh coming back. Peeking under my shirt I noticed someone had cleaned and bandaged the wound, which already had begun to heal, my body now free of the ferals toxin.
Wincing, I pushed myself into sitting position and looked around, noting the almost empty, and large, room I was in, a single chair and bedside table to my right. It was as if someone had removed everything except these three items.

My eyes flicked to the open window, stomach dropping when I noticed the bars that had been roughly added. I stood up and quietly tiptoed over to the door, ignoring the ache my body was in, trying the handle as gently as I could in case there was someone on the other side. To my disappointment and horror, the door was locked, making my thoughts a reality.

I was a prisoner.

My heart thumped against my chest. My eyesight had been blurry but I remembered the two strange men. I had never seen them before, and even with the new group of survivors I would have remembered a face as gorgeous as that. So where did they come from? They were strangely attractive, almost unrealistic which made me question who they were even more. Standing beside the window I peered out, frowning when I noticed the tree line, and just beyond that the tall buildings of the city could just be seen. I was very far from home.

How long had they been here? And why had they taken me? I was on the verge of dying, these people didn't owe me anything. Could it be that they wanted information about the Tower? Was it possible they had known about us all this time, while we knew nothing of them?
Hearing shouts outside I moved my gaze to the grass area below. Around eight men and women gathered in front of a tall man with ridiculously broad shoulders. The same man that had managed to disapate my powers.

He seemed to be instructing the group, their bodies ridged and snapped to attention. After a few moments they all bowed before racing into the forest that surrounded the place I was being held captive.
I watched as the man walked gracefully across the grass, his posture and stride demanding respect and attention. A few other people that exited the building stopped as he passed to bow the same as the group that had left, and didn't stand tall until after he had walked past.
Just who the hell was this guy?

I watched until he entered the building, my mind racing with questions and escape plans. If they wanted information, they were in for a fight. I reached down to grab my powers, knowing I was going to need them, only to have my breath leave in a huff of shock when I was unable to grasp it. I could feel it there, just beyond my reach, but it was as if something was blocking my access.

I heard the door handle rattle and the lock click as someone unlocked it, intending on entering my prison room. I backed away and grabbed the single chair as a weapon. I didn't know what this group wanted, but from experience people always demanded something in return for their services. And it wasn't always pleasant.
The door swung open and I felt myself faulter. In the doorway stood a very tall, slender and extremely beautiful looking woman, her white blonde hair hung to her waist, and her pale eyes glinted with curiosity. A small smile spread over her face as she placed a hand on her hip, examining my stance and weapon, the sleeveless shirt showed the well toned muscles on her upper arm.

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