06 | Negotiations

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I woke to a gentle beeping sound, my eyelids heavy and my body ached, as if I had been running and fighting for days. I looked around through blurry eyes, trying to take in my surroundings and realised I was in the infirmary, the beeping coming from the drip machine we had salvaged a few months ago.

Well, wasn't that lucky.

Clenching my teeth I pushed myself into sitting position, ignoring the searing pain throughout my body. There was no one here but I could smell that Liam had not long left, his Alpha scent always dominant when he was feeling guilty or sad.

I rubbed my face and eyes, I felt like I had slept for days. What I had done to Liam should have killed me with the state I had already been in, but he must have managed to get me to Rohnan in time to stop the Alphas stolen powers from destroying me from the inside.

I gently removed the drip from my arm, knowing full well the speech I would receive from Doc, and swung my legs over the side of the bed. My clothes were neatly folded on the chair beside me, my boots on the ground and my weapons were on the bedside table. Whoever had undressed me knew I would flip if I woke without any of these items.

Just as I had finished getting dressed I heard voices coming up the corridor outside, two males talking to quietly for my ears to pick up the conversation. His smell hit me first and my body reacted in the same way I hated every time. I clenched my fist tightly until I felt my nails bite into my skin, resisting the urge to seek him out to connect.

The door opened and the conversation died as both men saw I was awake and dressed, Doc shuffling over to me quickly and checked my arm that the drip had been in

"I should have insisted harder about chaining you to this bed" Doc mumbled, a smile tugged at my mouth as he tisked "next time I will do it myself"

"I'm fine Doc"

"And I'm a flying old goat" he retorted as he began to check my vitals. Once he was satisfied with the results he stepped back and folded his arms over his chest, glaring at me, his thick and white bushy eyebrows sticking out at all ends "if I had known you would be this difficult about taking my work seriously, I would have drugged you harder from the start" a chuckle escaped my lips, the first time we had met he had been able to inject me with a sleep serum as self defence
That was the last time I judged someone by how they looked, even if they looked like an eighty year old man.

"I'm ok Doc, really" I forced a smile I knew he saw as fake but said nothing. Liam had not moved from where he was leaning against the wall near the door, face neutral and eyes hard. My body was still fighting to react to his scent, but I was holding fast

"If there's nothing else I will leave you to it. I will come and check on you later tonight, just to be sure your body is clear" Doc patted my hand and walked out, whispering something to Liam as he passed. Neither of us moved, my hands gripping the edge of the bed as I stared out the window to the broken city beyond.

"What you did was stupid" Liam broke the silence with his rough voice

"I wasn't the one who was stupid enough to allow the beast control"

"You shouldn't have risked your life for m-"

"I did it for Rohnan, not you" I said cutting him off and glancing at him briefly "you put Rohnan at risk with what you did. If I hadn't acted quickly you would have wreaked havoc in my Tower" my little jab at whose effort this place belonged to was enough of a victory to me.

"Why must you be so difficult?"

"Because you still fail to understand I am not your property" his sigh was loud; this was an old argument

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