17 | Fate

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A few days passed and the pack had settled down. Those that had been knocked unconscious from the wave of Aura power had woken after a while, but with recollection of what happened. Trixa had been avoiding Daegon, her sulking attitude constantly rippling through the pack link to the point Daegon had closed it off for a while, instructing Treyton to notify him of any changes.

And changes there were.

A group of Vargulfs had been spotted on the boarder of the city two days ago, but what caused alarms to sound was the fact they didn't even seem to bother attacking the Patrol party that had stumbled across them, their attention and direction had been elsewhere.

Blayde had reported these strange encounters back to his King, his concern at the sudden disinterest of their pack more worrying then their potential attacks. Trixa had remained quiet, her link now cut off from his as she silently listened to the reports. Daegon knew she was forming her own opinion and understanding, but she had so far kept her findings to herself.

"There was...something else" Treyton's voice shook slightly. Daegon looked up from the desk he was sitting at in the makeshift study, and eyebrow raised but face otherwise blank. Trixa flicked her hair over her shoulder and leaned forward in the chair she was in by the window

"Continue" he growled. Treyton swallowed nervously

"As you had instructed we have been monitoring the outskirts of the city more closely. As we had been coming back to swap with the next patrol, the sun had already set as we left the boarder" Daegon sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest "We heard a loud explosion somewhere in the city. We were about to discard it as the humans and their destructive nature when we saw a...vampire" Daegon's eyes narrowed. Trixa stood suddenly at that information; it would be the first sighting of a vampire in almost four years

"We are aware that the city is infested with the bloodfiends, but that doe-"

"This was not a bloodfiend Alpha" Treyton cut Daegon off "I mean no disrespect my King, but I have fought enough of those twisted creatures to know the difference" Daegon closed his mouth with a snap

"What was it doing?" Trixa asked, coming to lean against the desk Daegon was sitting at "Male? female? Did it look hungry, or starved?" Treyton turned his attention to the Aura

"Male, dark hair, strange older looking clothing. He looked well fed, his eyes practically glowed which I'm assuming means he fed recently. He just stood there, smiling at us before disappearing" Trixa looked away, taking in that information

"It did not attack?"

"No, he didn't seem troubled or threatened by our presence"

"When was this?" Daegon demanded

"The night before last" the Alpha stood abruptly, his anger spiking

"You waited a whole day and a half before informing me?" he growled. Treyton shrunk slightly under his Alpha's power, but swallowed again and continued, knowing he was treading a thin line

"Again I mean no disrespect my King, but no one, including Trixa, was even allowed to speak to you yesterday. You were troubled by the flux in the Aura powers and ordered to not be disturbed" Daegon shut his mouth again with a snap. He seemed to be floundering lately, without any answer as to why.

He pinched the bridge of his nose "Has there been any sighting since?" Trixa stepped forward, her eyes bright as she inspected the beta. Treyton gave her a worried look but answered

"No, however we sighted a group this morning at the edge of the city, they were noticed last night before the patrol had come home, Blayde and myself picked up in the morning when the group emerged, they appeared to be heading further in. Male, female and a...pup"

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