10 | mistakes

14 1 0


The early morning fog clung to the forest floor, the dim light filtering through and bathing the area in an eerie glow. Soft footfalls of a dozen large paws made their way through the area, heading towards the large mountains in the distance. The largest of the group, his fur darker than a ravens and yellow eyes like liquid gold, sniffed the air for danger, a small growl informing the pack to slow.

The Alpha's ears pricked, listening for distant sounds. The woods were eerily quiet, no animals stirred, no breeze swept through, as if the entire area were holding its breath. A smaller, brown and white speckled wolf trotted forward, silvery eyes glancing up at her Alpha

'What is it Daegon?' Trixa enquired through the pack link. Daegon didn't answer for a moment, his snout twitching at the metal tang that now filled the air

'I smell blood' his deep voice answered. Trixa's stomach dropped. The only pack nearby was the blue moon, they preferred the small and quiet surroundings, hence living in the mountains, the closest they could get to the power stones they guarded

'But the witch was seen heading west' Trixa's voice hinted at panic 'she couldn't have doubled back without us knowing, could she?' Daegon didn't answer as he lunged forward, pace now quicker than before. The blue moon pack were strong and resourceful, it was their main advantage against the advance towards his control over all nine pack territories.

The pack bounded effortlessly through the forest, the eerie silence making even the smallest twig snap sound like the trees were splitting. He felt the unease ripple through the others when their own nose picked up the metallic scent in the air, but this time it was now laced with the scent of smoke and decay.

Deagon's hackles raised when Aura magic brushed his own, this one mixed with what felt like pain and electricity, informing the Alpha that the witch was nearby. And she was not hiding.

The pack burst through the treeline, Daegon felt his feet falter slightly at the scene that met them; the once large and ancient house that had been carved into the side of the mountain, lay in ruins, fires raging inside.

Bodies lay strewn across the yard, some shifted into their wolf form, but many had not, their mouths open in a silent scream and lifeless eyes wide open. Their skin was paler than normal for death and on closer inspection large gashes could be seen in their neck; they had been drained of blood.
The grounds had been scorched by fire and force, and from the patterns it appeared it was done by an Aura; they had been taken completely by surprise.

Daegon's pack wondered cautiously through the destroyed grounds, sniffing and nudging their kin to check for life. No one had been spared. A low growl emanated from Daegon at his rising rage towards the Dark Aura, she was the only one capable of such death and destruction and she had now destroyed the only pack that knew how to wield the power stones.

As he made his way to the front of the mansion Daegon spied something near the front steps, a pole with a ball on top. Upon closer inspection he realised that it wasn't a ball, rather the severed head of Alpha Sean, his eyes had been gouged out and mouth open in a silent scream, the same as the rest of his pack. Daegon let out a roar and snapped his jaws, his fury at boiling point, the air around him crackling with energy as his emotions raged inside, triggering his Aura powers

'that witch will pay with blood and pain for the destruction she has caused here. Her and her entire kin' he howled in their pack link, the rest of his pack letting out their own growls of hatred towards the Dark Aura and her kind

"Awww, tisk tisk my furry oddball" an enchanting voice drifted down to Daegon. He looked around furiously, his head snapping upwards when her scent caught his nose. There, standing on the edge of the broken building was the Dark Aura, her waist length black hair billowing around her, red eyes glinting while she smirked at the Alpha, "condemning a species based on the actions of one" she tisked as she inspected her sharp nails "that sounds very grandfatherly of you. He blamed us for all his problems, too, " she hissed, sneering at the Lycan, showing her elongated canines

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