14 | Foreign

11 0 0


Sounds drifted to Daegon's ears, the rush of a river nearby, the swish of trees overhead. Normal sounds. So why did he have a sinking feeling in his gut?
Groaning he blinked open his eyes, squinting at the rays of sunlight seeping in through the leaves above him. He remained still while assessing his surroundings, taking in the strange smells of the vegetation nearby. A few familiar plants drifted to his nose, one in particular causing him to scruch his nose in disgust; wolfsbane.

He waited for the screams, the manic cackle of the Dark Aura, snarls from the feral rogues and vampires. But after a few moments of nothing but natural sounds filling his senses, Daegon slowly pushed himself into sitting position, glancing around, noting that he was alone and that everything seemed a little more...dulled. As if the vibrancy settings had been turned down.

Opening his link the Lycan King searched for his pack, almost sighing with relief when Trixa's presence responded. A few moments later she trotted into view in her wolf form, head low. Daegon could feel the pain that was inflicted around her neck by the dark aura.

"Are you alright Trixa?" He inquired out loud. She lay down at his feet, letting out a small whine. They could feel the few pack members that were close by start to make their way towards their location.

"That witch did something to me. I'm struggling to grasp my powers and when I do it feels...unstable" she admitted. "Why does this forest feel wrong?" She added, picking her head up to sniff the air

"There are no birds" Daegon's response sent a shiver through Trixa, noticing then how quiet the surrounds were, aside from the breeze and nearby stream

"I won't lie, I didn't expect to wake up. I was sure the magic and ancient language she used was part of ragnaroc, the end of days." Daegon nodded

"I truly thought I had failed. Upon opening my eyes I believed for a moment whatever she tried to do didn't work" he crossed his arms over his large chest "but everything around us seems... off balance"

"Glad its not just me" Trixa mumbled. A small rustle to their left revealed Treyton in wolf form with three deltas in tow, two in their human form holding wounds as they all bowed to their King

"We killed five of those corrupted rogues on our way here" he reported.  Daegon and Trixa glanced at each other

"We need to find shelter, clothes and food. We are to far from our territory and home to make it back in one day" Daegon pulled on his aura, frowning when he felt a strange resistance, as if he were grasping at mud. His wolf dragged itself to the surface, almost feeling weird his powers retreated more quickly than normal.

Pushing that aside he led his pack into the brush in search of any remaining kin, food and shelter.


They found most pack members nearby, a few injured but nothing that their fast healing abilities couldn't handle. After disposing of a few more corrupted rogues in the area they came across a large farm house.

Daegon and Treyton scouted the area, noticing that the inhabitants had fled recently, or had been slain, judging from the blood stain on the front porch.
They all raided the clothes inside, no one acknowledging that those that lived here might return. It was a bigger possibility that they wouldn't, if the presence of the corrupted rogues were any indication.
Trixa looked at herself in the tall mirror, an irritated look on her face as she tugged at the shirt made from harsh and itchy material.

"These clothes are strange, and feel horrible against my skin" Daegon let out a small growl as he buttoned up his shirt. He was in no mood to deal with her attitude

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