11 | Revelations

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I sat in a small clearing in the middle of our makeshift forest. Back straight, eyes closed as I released my powers, allowing them to search the vegetation nearby. I felt the life of the plants and flowers, the powers of the nearby Aura's and the barrier that shimmered above and around our tower. My body buzzed with energy and life. Breathing out I released my powers and opened my eyes, locking with Clarice's as she stared at me

"Breathing helps you to calm your senses and mind, allowing you to connect with your powers," I explained. Every time her heartrate jumped from fear or anxiety I felt it shoot through me like small needles pricking my skin "It's hard to explain the sensation you will feel but I will do my best to put it into words. When you first connect, it will feel like an overwhelming sense of joy and fear mixed together. Like the first time you would have seen a rainbow and a feral. It's both feelings and yet neither, because in a way our powers belong to us, but at the same time they don't. " Clarice blinked a few times, her large blue eyes confused. I let out a sigh. "Let's start by trying to feel your energy. Close your eyes, " I instructed, Clarice hesitated slightly before complying, breathing in deeply as she did. I closed mine as well, opening my Aura powers but not extending them out, allowing Clarice the time to find them on her own.

I could hear her heartbeat, thumping against her ribcage in a slow and arithmetic way. Her fears slowly melted as she breathed in deeply again. I felt as she reached inwards, searching for her powers. I felt my brow pull together as I watched them swirl through my Aura Eye, and quicker than I had expected, she grabbed hold and pulled it to the surface.

It was bright and brilliant, swirling with different shades of white, blues, and greens. The colours of innocence, from what I had seen only children had these colours, but once they progressed and obtained life skills in staying alive, their colours changed to orange or yellow. However, I had never seen all three colours in anyone but my own before. Normally, Aura's possessed one or the other intertwined with white. Though, even my own powers were different from the others, the white laced with purple and gold.

I opened my eyes to find Clarice already had, the smile on her face infectious, body almost radiating and humming with excitement

"How did I do?" she asked, voice high and sweet

"Better than I had expected. All my other students had at least three tries before they could grasp their Aura, including my son. " she did a little wiggle at the praise, and I felt myself chuckle at the pure innocence

"What's next?" The eagerness was plastered all over her face. I let out a laugh before I could stop myself

"How about we take this slowly, moving to quick might give you too much confidence before you are ready. Unpredictable power can be a threat to the Tower, and protecting everyone here is my biggest job, " I explained, shuffling closer

"Is that because I'm different?" she asked quietly. My eyes flicked to hers, the smile gone from her face. I was not prepared for that question and wondered if she had overheard my conversation with her dad

"You are very young, Clarice. I don't want to scare you,"

"I understand more than people think," she replied simply. I regarded that statement, noting her older appearance and mature understanding over her surroundings

"I don't doubt that" I sighed, keeping her in the dark could be just as dangerous as telling her the whole truth "If your origin is true, then no one knows what you can do, including me. Being cautious is the best thing we can do, until we understand your powers better. "

"But you are like me." I felt myself freeze at that, unsure as to what she meant. "You're different. Not like the others, they have fur and paws, we don't even get that far. " I blinked a few times, heart pounding as I registered what she meant.

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