12 | More questions than answers

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Sounds boomed around me, I heard someone screaming my name as I slowly pushed myself to my feet, head and ears ringing from the explosion. My instincts kicked in, bringing my gun up I fired a few shots, the two ferals that were about to cut me down fell dead at my feet.

I held my head, blinking a few times as I tried to see through the falling debris and dust. The screams from the ferals vibrated around me as the people on the wall shot them down.
I had seen a feral lunge at one of the snipers in a building across from the wall. And although they had access to the collective powers they were no match against this many creatures.

Without thinking of the consequences I had jumped from the wall to the balcony below where they were stationed, attracting the attention of several ferals below, who then proceeded to try and climb the building towards me. But I had reached the snipper to late, the last thing I remembered was hearing the small clink as a pin was pulled, followed by a metallic clang before the small snipper tower exploded from the grenade he had pulled the pin out of.

There was a small window of nothing in my mind, unable to recall how I had gone from the balcony, to the ground. I pulled out my blade, hacking at the advancing ferals, trying to make my way back to the wall when a sound I had not wanted to hear went up around us.
The blood curdling screech of a nightmare, hungry and angry. I frantically started hacking my way forwards, I could hear Xavier yelling my name feeding me magic, Liam ordering I create a portal to get back inside.

But there was no time. If I paused for even moment I would be swarmed. Then lights out forever. Five ferals dropped from the roof onto the pavement in front of me, one landing with a sickening crack while the other four shook themselves off, their eyes glued to me as saliva dripped from their open jaws.
On a normal day I could handle five ferals, with daylight and space to move. But here, surrounded by broken buildings at night? Not a chance. I glanced up at Xavier, I could see the panic on his face as he continued to fire on the surrounding ferals

"Be ready at the gate" I shouted through the pack link, turning on my heel and racing down the alleyway, the five ferals hot on my heels. I heard my name screamed from multiple people as I disappeared from their sight. I could feel the beasts behind me, their hot breath on my neck as I skidded around the corner, barely dodging the swipe at my back.

My mind raced with scenarios of what would happen next. I tried to keep my focus on getting back to the gate in one piece, but without warning panic started to claw at my chest. Odd. I had suppressed those types of emotions a while ago, it was what allowed me to keep calm outside the Tower during scouting missions.

As if sensing my attempt to get back to the tower gate every turn I made in that direction was blocked by a feral. I skidded around a corner, foot slipping as did, my sword lashing out to catch the jaw of the beast that had lept at my back. The force jarred my body, its wolf-like body tumbling to the ground and causing another to trip.

My heart pounded hard against my chest, the sounds of creatures rising in a crescendo as they all came after me in the chase, death and blood the reward if I faltered.
An unearthly scream sounded somewhere to my right, the growls from the ferals behind me sounded almost worried, their paws on the pavement growing softer.

Taking the chance I pulled on my powers, slowing my pace slightly I looked up to the top of the closest roof where I transported myself. My leg buckled the moment I released my powers, hands going out to stop myself from smashing my face into the cement and hunting knife clattering beside me.
Something felt wrong, a feeling inside my chest pulled in a way I had never experienced. I could feel my hands shaking, panic swirling in my chest as I fought to stay calm. Ever since that connection with Clarice, something inside me changed.

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