05 | Defiant

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"What do we have here?" the familiar voice that boomed over the noise made me smile as a young man stepped onto the crates, looking down at the group "a large group of Demon fodder!" he said sarcastically, but the group didn't know this man like I did, or his over dramatic sarcasm, causing a few to step back out of fear. The young mans eyes rested on me, his smile widening "And look what the Feral dragged in" he jumped down and sauntered over too me. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic appearance

"Are you in charge then?" Jax queried. I raised my eyebrow at the young soldier

"Me? Oh no my dear sir. Names Xavier, first General in this here Haven!" he swept his arm wide to indicate the Tower that loomed above us "We all serve, in return for the Tower, and the protection provided" he was always so over-dramatic

"When will we meet the person in charge? We have travelled a long way, and we have children that were transported here" Glen added, stepping forward. I saw Xavier look Glen up and down, raising an eyebrow at me before giving Glen a devilish smile

"All in good time, my friend" he walked back over to the crates and stepped up. I could feel Jax staring at me, his eyes practically burning a hole in my head. I wouldn't put it past him to have figured it all out my now

"I want to see my child!"

"Please, where are the children?"

"Where's my baby?" the group around me cried out in protest, the one thing that had motivated most of them to fight and keep going was being able to see their children, safe and alive at the Tower. I looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of our Alpha, but after searching with my powers I realised he was no where nearby. I tilted my head back, letting out a sigh. I hated what came next.

"Aiyanna?" the General held his hand out for me to take. After glaring at him a moment longer I stepped forward, murmurs rippling around me as I stood beside the General. I hated this part. This was the moment I had been dreading, but there was no turning back. I looked out over the group, their faces a mixture of relief, hope and anticipation

"My name is Aiyanna. As you have guessed I am an Aura. This" I indicated the large building beside us "is the Tower. The safe haven you have searched for, it has been built over time by people like you, dedicated to creating somewhere we can live and thrive. We have been standing, without breach, for almost two years now" murmurs rippled through the group, nowhere had stood for longer than a few months so two years was almost like witnessing a miracle.

Jax glanced around, his face a mixture of worry and awe, but his eyes held so much relief I felt that in my chest. Glen pushed to the front, brows pulled together in a frown, I knew what he was going to ask before he even opened his mouth

"Why haven't we seen your face?" a couple of people looked from Glen to me, the same question in their eyes. I saw Jax whip his head in Glen's direction "I have kept quiet the entire time, in fear that if I spoke sooner, you would abandon us" he added angrily. My lip twitched and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes

"Not exactly the best thanks for saving you and your group, not to mention your children" Xavier said loudly, shifting the gun that hung on his shoulder; Glen eyed the weapon carefully "be thankful she even cared enough to bring you back here at all herself. Our rules are clear; we do not risk our lives for those of strangers outside the Tower, we are to give directions and that's it" the shocked look on Glen's face was satisfying. Xavier glanced at me briefly "lucky for you Aiyanna isn't one to follow the rules even if she doesn't have the best reputation with people" I turned my attention back to the group

"We provide food, shelter, medical aid and training to all that seek it. Here, we are not just surviving. We're thriving. Each year we grow stronger, bigger and more resilient than before" I looked around at the frightened yet hopeful faces "but we have only been able to achieve that through working together, as a team. As a family" Xavier leaned in, his voice low

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