08 | Lustful needs

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Warning: Sexual content

I spent the remainder of my day with Rohnan, talking about the scouting trip and how his schooling was going. He even admitted to having a crush. After a sparring session, a few workout sets and then dinner we watched the sun set from the balcony of our room. I had missed the simple days of just his company, pretending to be a normal family, in a normal life, doing normal things as we bantered and cooked dinner.

"You know I don't like what Liam did to you mum" he said quietly. I glanced over at him, watching as the wind tugged at his growing hair, the fading suns rays turning his skin a dark honey golden colour "I felt like I wanted to challenge him when he brought you here unconscious" I felt my chest tighten.

"I know Roh, he was out of control and neither of us were able to contain it" I heard him sigh "please promise me you won't challenge Liam?" I added softly. Rohnan didn't respond but I felt as he reached over and gripped my hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze

"I promise that for now I will keep my place. But I can't promise that once I am big and strong enough to defend you, I won't tolerate his lack of control" I gave my son a small smile. After everything we had been through, I knew he was never going to just stand by and watch me get hurt again

"Yeah...I just hope that day never comes" I responded, allowing the silence to wash over us as we continued to watch the light fade from the city.

After a few hours of conversation Rohnan said good night and went to bed, I waited until I felt his body slip into a deep sleep before slipping out. I glanced at Braydon that sat in the shadows nearby

"I won't be gone long. No one but me is allowed to enter" I instructed. Braydon have a short nod before resuming his position. I walked quietly through the tower, observing those still out after hours, immersing themselves in conversations with their neighbours and friends.

We had no curfew, but everyone knew their duties and roles. Having a good nights rest was important, especially when it could be your last. Those still awake were generally the night shift workers.

I let my mind drift as my body wondered through the levels, seeking out and gently connecting with every Aura that resided in the Tower. Those with greater powers responded with a gentle nudge, the others didn't even register my touch.

I felt my stomach knot; something was coming. I had felt the ripple in my powers and knew some of the others had started to feel it too. A full moon was coming which meant all the downcast Auras were needing to ready themselves to head to the bunker while it passed. But that was normal, and had no connection to the heavy feeling I had in my gut. We didn't have any new Auras recently, which was a blessing, but the rate of arriving survivors was dwindling. Jax's group was the first we had seen in almost two months.

I had considered calling us what many believed the downcast Auras to be, but saying the words out loud just seemed ridiculous, almost taking away the seriousness of the threat they all posed when the full moon came.


I felt myself snort at the thought. Such a fantasy thing to believe, but essentially what we were, the ferals that we fought off were exactly that; a feral and animalistic version of what the downcast Auras could shift into. They were what happened if you didn't have an Alpha to keep your beast at bay and in check. You lose all humanity, never shifting back again.

We still didn't know why the first Gen Auras didn't shift during the full moon. As Xavier had discovered, like many other first gens we had met, he could shift at will. But the experience had frightened him enough that he hadn't shifted again.

The only person who hadn't shifted was me. Xavier had explained it was like a flush of heat amidst the fury of rage, his body almost vibrating as he felt something from deep within emerge.
But every time I had felt that rage, that vibration, the only thing I noticed change was my teeth, eyesight, sense of smell and overall strength, everything else had refused to follow suit.

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